You belong with me (pt.2)

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Zack pov
Today's the day.. Freddy and I will finally tell Summer and Tomika about our feelings. I woke up extra early, and changed into my clothes. I ate breakfast and headed out the door really quick, skating to school. I see Freddy at his locker, like he was lost in his thoughts.

Z: hey Freddy!
F: woah when did u arrive
Z: just right now, u ready?
F: I think... no
Z: we'll be fine.. for now

We head off to class, to see Tomkia and Summer talking in private. They see us and become quiet, wierd... the bell rings, telling us to go into our seats, for school has started.

Time skip to lunch*
Freddy pov
Me and Zack sit with the squad and just eat our food. Zack starts to speak up

Z: hey Tomkia
T: yea..?
Z: can I talk to u alone...
T: um yea sure

They left, but before going out of sight, Zack gives me a thumbs up telling me it's my turn.

F: um while their talking, Sum could I talked to u too
S: if u say so

We both stand up and I lead her to the garden, where I motioned her to sit next to me by the bench. Here it goes..

S: what did u wanna talk about?
F: um.. Sum
S: yea
F: I'm so sorry..
S: about what?
F I'm sorry for everything that I have done. I never meant to hurt your feelings. From hurting u and bullying u, just because I was blinded from everything. I never thought this but.. Summer Hathaway.. I REALLY REALLY like u. I felt so guilty when I pushed u away from me, and I'm really sorry. If u can, please give me another chance to make it up to u, and take u out to the movies..? *I scratch the back of my neck
S: I- I don't know Freddy..
F: please??
S: fine...

I smiled at the thought that she said yes. We stared into each other's eyes, until the bell rang

F: shall we go ma lady *reaches hand out
S: *giggles we shall

We walk in hand in hand, to Mr. Finns class. I open the door, to see Zack and Tomika starring at each other, smiling. Looks like this plan is still gunna happen...

Zack pov
It was lunch, and I had asked if I could talk to Tomkia. We were going to the back of the school.

T: u going to speak?
Z: look Tomkia... I'm just.. I'm sorry for everything. I never meant to hurt your feelings. U made me realize how much of a jerk I was back then, and I want to make it up to u by taking u to the movies..?
T: look Zack, I trusted u. U broke that
Z: I know okay, and I never forgave myself either. I realized that I- I like u Tomika...
T: w-what?
Z: I always had... I just never had the guts to---

She KISSED ME! Tomkia kissed me in the middle of my speech, I ain't complaining 😏.

We both pulled away, looking into each other's eyes, smiling.

T: u talk to much *giggles
Z: so is that a yes..?
T: yes I'll go on a date with u Zack. *smiles

I couldn't believe it! I was so happy she said yes, that I picked her up and hugged her. She just kept giggling and we walked into class. Freddy and Summer walked in right after, hand in hand. This date with be the best date ever

Skips to after school 😂**

Summer pov
It was after school and Tomika and I were talking. Turns out Lance had asked her out too, Zamika.. I said nothing... the guys decided on a double date to the movies. Even with all the drama, they still remember we love to watch movies. One time, Tomika and I stayed up to binge watch princess movies when we were younger. We both waved goodbye, since she was coming over for the double date.
I go to my locker to see a note..

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