We still like them...

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Read the an at the bottom for the upcoming things and hint for next chapter😏 (two part..? Idk 🙃) shoutout to ebooks5674 u guessed it!!!

Freddy pov
?: Hey guys!!!
F: K-Kale?
K: look who's back 😊
S&T: Kale!!!

Summer and Tomika ran up to her and tackled her with a hug. Huh..? Me and Zack struck a confused face to each other. If u guys didn't know, Kale left to go to New York, because her parents got new jobs. We didn't know that Summer and Tomika would be friends with her.

Summer pov
If u guys are wondering why we are friends with Kale, it's because she was actually nice to us. Tomika and I were mad at her at first. But before she left to New York, she went to our houses and personally apologized to us. After that, we forgave her and still hung out during that summer. Kale returned today, because she wanted to hang out for a little, before going back.
It was lunch, where we sat at our normal tables. We (as in Tomika, summer, and Kale) were talking and laughing about something Kale said until Freddy, Lawrence, and Zack came and sat down. Kale grew silent and looked down at her food. Everyone was quiet until I finally spoke up.

S: ok, what's going on?
T: yea, are u guys okay?
K: I'm just going to go... catch up to u guys later
S: wait-

She ran out of the cafeteria, leaving us confused. The boys didn't seem to mind that she left, so we asked them

T: ok what just happened
Z: well, before kale left.. we didn't leave at good terms
F: yea, let's just say, we never really talked to her, ever since the incident.
S: o.. ok, um Tomika can I talk to u.. alone?
T: yea be right back

We left to a different table, leaving the boys.

T: if it's about Kale, I don't really wanna ta-
S: it's not about kale... it's about Freddy. I still like him...
t: WHAT?!?! *yells

Everyone turns to Tomika, who was blushing after realizing she yelled it out. I was red too, but shook it off when the bell ran. We went back to class, with Tomika still shock.

After school**

Tomika pov
I was thinking the whole time during class, after lunch. I was so shocked about Summer liking Freddy still, which made me think.. do I still like Zack? I couldn't stop thinking about how much Freddy and Zack became so nice to us this whole year. It reminded me like how we used to be best friends before the incident. I haven't even realized that the bell ran, until Zack started talking

Z: Tomika?
T: huh?
Z: the bell rang 5 minutes ago ya know..
T: oh thanks

I ran out of the door and went to Summers locker. She was putting her books away and didn't see me coming.

S: *gets scared* oh it's just u Tomika
T: I kinda have a confession to tell u
S: spill
T: I... I still like Zack...
S: WHAT!! *shouts

Everyone turns to us in the hallway, again.

T: man we need to stop screaming *whispers
S: tell me about it...
Hey guys! Sorry if I'm hardly updating anymore, but I have a reason for that. I'm coming out with another book! It's going to be about Fremmer and maybe a Zamika book if I have ideas. There are probably only going to be less than 10 chapters left on the book, sadly. Before anyone starts saying "sequel", no I will not be doing sequels. In my opinion, sequels are a little bit harder to make for me, and hard to remember all the events, if I do one.
Thanks for reading and next chapter or 2..? (SPOILER) will be long and u may or may not need an inhaler 😏😏😏 anyways thanks for reading ❤️

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