It's them!!

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Surprise!!! Since it's Breanna's 14 birthday, here's another chapter!!! Read the AN for what might come up for the next two chapters

Tomika pov
I woke up in a room where I don't remember sleeping at . I look over my shoulder and see summer still asleep. We were both tied on a chair with our hands and feet tied really securely. Summer had started to wake up from her slumber.

S: where are we
T: good morning, how's your slumber
S: what happened..?
T: I don't know but all I remember was sleeping at school then someone took us
?: good morning princess
S: who are u
T: and where are u
?: aw you don't remember me sunshine
S: no.. it can't be... Cody?
C: ding ding ding correct!
S: wtf are u doing here!!!
C: u didn't like my surprise?
T: what do u want idiot
?: hi Tomika did u miss me?
T: A.. Aaron?
A: good morning sweetie, how's your sleep
T: what do u guys want from us?
A&C: nothing we just missed u! We'll see u later we have to go get your surprise!

With that they left us, laughing. If u didn't know who they were, they used to be our boyfriends, until they started cheating on us with the sluts from school. We broke up with them, but they couldn't stop trying to get us back. They ended up trying to kidnap us, but Zack and Freddy found them, before they could do anything to us. This is happening again, now that they found us. Summer started to wiggle out of her grip, but ended up falling to the side.

S: oww
T: this is why u should wait for my cue
S: what's the plan tomiks
T: idk
S: what!!! U always have a plan how about now?
T: I'm sorry I don't

We just stayed there for hours waiting and praying for whatever is happening, to keep us safe. We hear the door open to see our exes who came back with food.

A: how's my baby girl
T: don't call me that Aaron
S: let us out!!!
C: sorry sunshine not happening

While the Cody and Aaron was getting the food ready, Summer told me to look the way she was looking, until we saw...

Freddy pov
We woke up the next morning, because I slept at Zack's house. He was already awake pacing back and fourth.

F: morning Zachary
F: geez sorry bro, u ok?
Z: yea just thinking about
F: Tomika
Z: yea, I'm worried
F: u wanna go to Aaron's place to check if their there?
Z: let's go

We changed then went to Aaron's house. We were knocking until we see someone familiar.

Z: hey
F: hi
?: who are u guys
Z: Zack and Freddy
?: o hey
Z: where's your brother
As(Aaron's older sister): he went to an abandoned house
F: does he have Summer and Tomika?
As: yea he's up to no good, with his friend um...
F: Cody?!!!
As: yea that's the name. If I were u I would go fast before they does something to Summer and Tomika. Here's the address
Z: thanks for the information

We skateboarded really fast to the address and found Aaron's car here. That means their there, so we went in slowly. We crack the door opened and see the blonde and brunette girls, tied up. They looked scared, until Summer saw me, she smiled. She's so cute. SNAP OUT OF IT FREDRICK! We walked in slowly, until Zack got a log out of no where and hit Aaron, but Cody saw Zachary. Aaron fell on the ground, but Cody got Summer and ran away with Aaron's car. Summer was basically screaming but Cody didn't stop.


I ran to go get summer, but Cody gave her another spray and she passed out. They drove off and I couldn't catch up with them. I went back inside to find zomika hugging. I called the cops and they took Aaron away

Z: did u get Summer back..????
F: Cody drove off with her
T: MY BEST FRIEND!!! *Tomika was crying on Zack's shoulder
Z: we'll find her, I promise u

They started to hug, but before the cops took Aaron in the cop car, Tomika did something that Aaron may not get her back.. or live.

A: what?

She jumped on Aaron's back then pulled his hair. She then jumped down and kicked and punched him in the stomach. Zack had to get her off, while I was laughing. The cops said he would be in jail for kidnap. The cops also said they got the license plate for the car Cody drove. We all went home, while Zack stayed with Tomika. I hope Sums okay..

Another chapter!!! Next chapter will be a Zamika moment so get ready, then the chapter after that will be a fremmer moment! Thanks for reading 👍🙏

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