The first one gets it

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Congrats to Fremmerismyobsession  for guessing Jennifer first!! Shoutout to the people who were pretty close though! (Edit: turns out I got a little confused on the names, and one chapter I put Jessica then another Jennifer, so another shoutout to ashton_weaver for saying Jessica, sorry if I got any of u guys confused) Onto the story 😊

Jennifer pov
Looks like u figured who I am. If your wondering how I found out about this stupid little bet... I may have over heard them with Logan and James. Gabby and I were both walking from the mall talking about what makeup we used (an yes I went there 😂), when we overheard everything. We planned this whole thing out, but I'm guessing it's about to start really early....

Gabby pov
Jennifer went to spy on Freddy and Summer, while I followed Zack and Tomika. I hid my head behind my locker, but still listened in

Z: hey boops
T: are u okay? U seem nervous
Z: um yea it's just I need to tell u something, it's kinda serious
T: are u breaking up with me?
Z: what?!! No, it's hard to explain, but do u remember Logan and James?
T: yea, I've always hated those idiots
Z: we'll see we've made a bet... on u and Summer
Z: hey wait let me explain
T: u have exactly 1 minute Zackary, or you're dead
Z: ok, so u and Summer always hated us, so James and Logan told us that we have to make u guys fall in love with us and how we would become boyfriend and girlfriend. We did it but then we started to get feelings for u two so we ended the bet and here we are.... *out of breath
T: aww and I love u too Zacky
Z: are u sure? U aren't mad? U sounded like u were about to beat the crap outta me 1 minute ago...
T: well before, but after you explained, I understood your situation
Z: wow... well we're ok right boops?
T: yes *giggles

They left to class and I slammed my locker really hard. I was to late.... but maybe Jennifer still has a chance.... Let's just see what happens
FINALLY 😂 so took me long enough to update but here I am. Who do u think will tell Summer about the bet first, Freddy or Jennifer? You'll find out next 2 chapters... 😉 and also, u will get a few other perspectives that haven't really happened in the previous chapters

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