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Freddy pov
Today's the day, actually. I'm not going to whimp out this time to telling Summer about my feelings. So Zamika became a thing, so I invited Zack and Tomika over. (It's Saturday)

Over the phone*

F: yo Zack
Z: hey whatchu need?
F: can u and Tomika come over, like right now?
Z: why, is everything okay?
F: I'm going to tell Summer about what I feel

I giggle at my best friend. He may look really rude, but Tomika found his soft side, which made him happier and not hate a lot of things. While they were coming, I texted Summer to see if she was free tonight.

F: hey Sum!
S: hey
F: listen, are u free tonight?
S: um, yea why?
F: I'm coming to get u tonight for dinner k?
S: sure, I guess
F: u won't regret it
S: k Freddy. See ya later 💕
F: bye 😘

Now that I was going to bring summer out on a date, I needed to plan something out. Just then the door bell rang

F: oh hey Zamika
Z: yea yea so what are you going to do?
F: I kinda don't have a plan
T: and that's why I'm here

We took a few tries, but finally found the perfect date we think Summer will like. Tomika suggested to bring her to the Pier then watch the sunset at the beach. I wave bye to the couple, for then had a date to attend to, too. Smooth Zack smooth 😏.
I changed into something appropriate and head to get flowers on the way to Summers house. I knock on her door and see a beautiful Summer.

Summer pov
After Freddy texted, I texted Tomika to see what I should do with my clothes. I gave her a few options (through text, because she's somewhere) and this was what it came down too:

 I gave her a few options (through text, because she's somewhere) and this was what it came down too:

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And just waited for Freddy. The doorbell rang and a open-mouth Freddy was at the door. I got to admit, it was pretty cute 😂.

S: are u done yet? Giggles*
F: yea u just look... woah
S:*blushes thank you
F: ready to go?
S: yup
F: oh and here

He handed me my favorite flowers and I gladly accepted it. We walked to his car and drove to the beach?

F: here we are
S: what are we going to do?
F: duh ride some rides

He took my hand and we rode all the rides. He saved the Farris wheel last. We waited in the long line, but finally entered the Farris wheel. We were laughing this whole time until Freddy had more of a serious face.

S: hey, u ok?
F: look Summer... I never got to ask u this. It would mean the world to me if u could be my girlfriend?
S: *looks away
F: if your not ready-
S: no Freddy I would love to be your girlfriend.

We hugged and kissed while looking at the view of the sunset. We were cuddling, until we here two voices. It came from the other part of the Farris wheel right above us

F&S: Zack and Tomika?
Z&T: hi
F: were u spying on us?
T: no....? *blushes
S: whatever *giggles

We all went to go get ice cream and I drove summer back home. We got to her porch

F: good night girlfriend
S: night boyfriend

We hug and she kissed my check. She scurried into her house and I went to my car. Before I drove off, I hear screaming. I guess Summer was happy I'm her boyfriend 😂. I got ready and slept with Summer on my mind.
And there's Fremmer! Zamika had to ruin it a bit tho 😂. I think I'll have 4-5 more chapters left? Thanks for reading ❤️❤️

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