Telling the truth

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Summer pov
I arrive to my locker, and opened it up. When I opened it, some note fell out. It said:

Meet me at my locker

I smiled to the thought of Freddy. I grabbed my books and headed to his locker. I saw Zack with him, like they were keeping something. I guess Zack saw me and walked to tomikas locker.

Freddy pov
Z: so your going to tell her?
F: yea, because I don't want her to here it from someone else, yesterday she almost heard it when Logan was with me and I'm not taking another chance.
Z: I guess I should tell Tomika too, because I do not want her to punch me
F: why are u so scared of Tomika
Z: did u seriously ask that question, remember when they were our fake girl friends and Gabby called her short.
F: oh yea.. well good luck with that

He leaves and I spot Summer heading her way. I'm guessing she found the note I put in her locker combination this morning

S: hey Fred
F: hi sunny
S: so what did u want to talk about?
F: look, so u know yesterday I was talking to Logan
S: yea
F: well we made a bet
S: about what?
F: y-- *bell rings

We both look wide eyed and ran to class. I guess I'll just have to tell her later...
I should be able to update tomorrow (if I remember 😂) sorry for the short chapter, but I'm really tired and I don't have time, since I've been going to "school" kinda.? 😂

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