You're safe in my arms (zamika)

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Tomika pov
After the incident, we started to go home. Freddy left for something, I'm guessing to find more clues about where Summer is, while Zack stayed with me.

T: u know I'm fine u could go home if u want
Z: look, you do not look fine, can I stay over until tomorrow?
T: I guess, my parents went on a business trip anyways

We walked to my house, and I opened my door. I took a shower, while Zack stayed in my room watching tv. Once I was done, I just went in my room, while Zack was on his phone. He looked serious and he didn't even see me come in. I decided to have some fun 😏 (I SEE U DIRTY MINDED PEOPLE, NOT THE DIRTY KIND K?) I jumped onto his back.


He jumped up from his seat, while I was still on his back. I ended up falling, with him on top of me.

Zack pov
I waited for Tomika to finish taking a shower. I was watching tv, while I received a text from Freddy. Zack- bold Freddy- italics

How's your sleepover 😏
What do u want Fredrick
Just checking in, making sure u remember the deal
Yea yea, no falling in love
Good, anyways have fun 😉

I was about to text back, until I feel something go on my back, and scream boo. I was caught off guard so I jumped up from my seat, and the person who jumped on top of me, fell on the ground. Their foot tripped mines so I accidentally fell on top of her. It turned out to be Tomika, and now we were a few inches away from kissing. We stared at each other's eyes for like 5 minutes until, I couldn't take it anymore, I kissed Tomika..... I pulled away with both of us blushing, and I managed to finally get up from my position.

Z: sorry *mumbles
T: it.. it's ok... um u wanna watch.. a movie..?
Z: y-yea

She puts on a movie silently and we just watched it without saying a word. During the middle, I start to feel something on my shoulder. I turn my head to find a sleepy Tomika closing her eyes, while snuggling in my chest. She then whispers something to me:

T: thanks for everything *says sleepily
Z: anything for u *start to sleep too
AHHH!!! My inner Zamika ship is sailing 😍😍! Another chapter and next one with be for fremmer, and it will be long so 👏🏻. Updating because of so many of u guys 😂, especially u RockyBlue1233  😂

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