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Tomika pov
Right after class, (AN it's Tuesday) we all decided to sleepover my house, because it was the closest, and we didn't have to go to school to early tomorrow. Some type of "teacher" meeting was being held at school, which gave us time to sleep in more. Zack was currently at my house, while the rest of the band went home to get their clothes. Zack and I were on the couch, watching tv, until I started to get bored of it.

T: boops can we do something else? This is boring
Z: like what? *smirks
Z:*laughs sorry, but what do u really wanna do
T: help me bake a cake, I'm hungry
Z: ugh fine

We get up and get the ingredients.

Skip skip skippy skip yaya whatever 😂*

We finished baking the cake, and I got to admit, it looked pretty good. To bad I was going to ruin it, before everyone came. I went to get a plate, then came back to Zack about to slice it

Z: what?
T: u may be my boyfriend, but that doesn't mean u get to eat food before me
Z: I guess
T: thanks boops

I could tell he was really confused, but I didn't care. I sliced some pieces and ate some. Zack looked sad

T: awe what's wrong
Z: u didn't give me some cake *pouts
T: I never understood why boys are so needy

I went up to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. That made him half smile

T: u happy?
Z: not quite
T: wdym?
Z: u didn't actually kiss me on the lips. *he says in a duh tone
T: not happening needy boy

I roll my eyes and hear a doorbell at the door. I'm guessing it was the rest of the band. I open the door to see Freddy and Summer.

T: hey
S&F: hi
T: where's Lawrence
S: well he was going to come
F: until Esme invited him to the movies
T: so he ditched us?
F&S: pretty much
T: whatever

They came inside and saw the cake Zack and I made. They looked confused but never asked what actually happened.

Skipping ya whatever 😂*

Tomika pov
We just got out of the pool and changed into our pajamas. I got out of the shower, about to see Fremmer kiss

S: like u don't do the same with Zack
T: u suck

I leave the two love birds and head to find Zack.

Summer pov
While waiting for Zack and Tomika, Freddy and I were about to kiss, until Tomika yelled at us. Does she not know that she does the same with Zack..?? Anyways she left the room and I finally had the chance to ask Freddy about what him and that Logan guy were talking about.

S: hey Freddy
F: that's my name *chuckles
S: what were u and that Logan guy talking about
F: oh um... about u... but it isn't important anymore
S: are u sure
F: yes, and Summer
S: yea
F: I- I love u
S: I- I love ya too Fredrick

He was leaning in again, until someone shouted, again.


we all just laugh and went straight to sleep.
So this was more on Zamika, because Fremmer kept getting interrupted 😂. A little, as in a lot of drama will be going down in the next few chapters. This time, I would get your tissues ready..... Bye

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