Fake boyfriends/girlfriends

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Summer pov
Today was Friday, and we didn't have any school, because of the "rat" incident that happened that week (AN who remembers when summer got spaghetti and pudding on her in that episode 😂) . I got a text from Tomika, saying that we should do something today.
*Text between Summer and Tomika*
T: morning bubbles!
S: hi Tomiks, you seem like you're in a good mood.
T: yep, anyways what do you want to do today
S: nothing much, what do you want to do
T: u down to coming skating with me?
S: yea sure I'm on my way, but don't forget u still have to come with me to the mall 😏
T: yea yea hurry up see ya bubbles ❤️
S: see ya bubbles 😘

I went to go eat breakfast then changed into these clothes:

I went to go eat breakfast then changed into these clothes:

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Then did my makeup, and headed out the door.
I skated to the skate park, where I would meet Tomika. I see Tomika with two guys, then realized it was Freddy and Zack. They catch me skating towards them.

T: o hey sum
S: hey.. what are they doing here?
F: we just saw Tomika here, we were skating too
Z: yeah
S: o ok well what are u guys waiting for, let's go skate.

We all were skating. They all were watching me, while I did a hard trick. I landed it and turned to them. I was confused

S: what?! Is there something on my face?!!
T: what no..
Z: it's just that
S: o that trick? (Idk anything about skating so bear with me 😂) my dad taught me when I was little
T: anyways I'm gunna go get water
S: me too

We walked away and chatted for an bit. The boys stayed skating, until we turn around. We see the boys talking to these girls, and I could see Tomika, kinda sad. That's when I realized... my best friend is in love with Zack... I did what any best friend would do. I went up to the guys, while Tomika just turned her back.

S: what's going on here?
?: who are u? *says in a disgusted voice
S: Summer.. Summer Hathaway *i reached my hand out
?: yeah whatever, anyways u boys still want to come with us
?: yeah we'll have a lot of fun (not meant to be dirty PEOPLE)
F: look Gabby and... what's your name
J: Jennifer *says in a duh tone

By now all I found out that the one who was flirting with Zack is named Gabby and the other one who was flirting with Freddy was Jennifer. Tomika had came back from what looks like, she was crying. I mouthed her if she was ok and she just nodded her head.

F: look I'm dating someone
J: who not these ugly ones right? *motions to me and Tomika

I stared to get mad, and before I could pounce on both of them, Freddy and Zack did something I didn't except them to do.

F: don't call my girlfriend that.
Z: yeah I'm dating Tomika *points to Tomika
S&T: what.???

Freddy and Zack look at us in a way we both understood.

S: I mean yea we're dating them.. so buh bye *i wave to them
T: and never come back * does the same to Gabby

They both leave in disgust and stomp their feet to their car. We all just laughed, and I notice that both the boys put their arms on our shoulders. I start to go get my skateboard, but see Tomika and Zack staring into each other's eyes. I see Freddy noticing too, so we both moved so the could have their "moment". Zack better not mess with her.
Thank u guys so much for 3k! Haven't been updating, because I did things this week. I'll update again this week tho so watch out for another update no later than Sunday. Bye loves 💗

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