She found out

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(In honor of 100 followers, surprise chapter 🙈🙉 also pretend Gabbie and Jennifer already know about the whole thing, where they told each other what happened on both sides of the story)

Summer pov
The bell rang, right after rocking out. We all cleaned up and everyone left to the cafeteria. I was the only one in class, so I left to find the rest of the crew. I was kinda in a hurry, because I remembered that Freddy had to tell me something. While walking, I felt someone tug on my wrist, it was...

S: Jennifer??
J: the one and only
S: look, I'm kinda in a hurry, so what do u want from me?
J: I'm just going to cut this straight, Freddy doesn't love you
S: look... I'm not here to fight with u like the last time, if this is just one silly-
J: u were a bet
S: what?
J: James and Logan dared Freddy and Zack to make u and Tomika fall in love with them (an sorry if that confused u 😂)
S: I don't believe u
J: why won't u ask your silly boyfriend yourself
S: whatever

I left her and found Freddy and the rest of the crew, but Tomika was missing. She's probably just in the restroom

F: hey Sum
S: can I talk to u... alone
F: ok, and I still need to tell u about something

He followed me to the hall where nobody could hear us.

S: look Freddy, I'm just going to ask u straight
F: but I have to tell u something too
S: was I a bet?
F: wh-what?

Tbc.... hehe sorry, but I'm doing u guys a favor by saying u may need tissues 👀 out for updates... it may be sooner than u think

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