The best birthday ever

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Shoutout to Jaoo28  and EmmytheBest  for giving me ideas on how to continue this book. This is a long chapter, because I owe it to u guys for the support, Enjoy! 💛

Summer pov
Today, was my 16th birthday. It didn't really matter anymore to me, because my mom was dead , and my dad left for a business trip. I was happy my dad left, because he wouldn't even remember my birthday. I haven't had a birthday party, since my mom died. Before my parents divorced, they would always give me a big birthday bash and presents. I missed those days, but at least I still have my friends. Tomika had always gave me things, as well as Lawrence and Esme. Zack and Freddy used to, but since the incident, they forgot about me. Tomika greeted me in the morning, but I told her to make it a secret. I never like to celebrate, because it reminded me when my mom was still alive. I got ready like how I would normally do it everyday, and headed out the door. I was fixing my locker and getting my notes for Mr. Finn's class, until I hear someone call my name.

?: Sum!!
S:oh hey Lawrence!
L: Happy Birthday!!
S: aw thanks, but u didn't have too. Remember, keep it between us.
L: yup, well I got to go, but Happy Birthday Summer!

He gave me a side hug, and left to class. Not to many people really greeted me on my birthday, because I wasn't really that popular. This birthday was different... Everyone I passed by before going to class, said Happy Birthday to me. I was so confused, but I just went to class. Nobody was in there, until everyone jumped up and yelled Happy Birthday.

Everyone but Summer: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!
S: *gasps Awe thank's guys, but I told u, u didn't have too
T: u know we love you Sum!
S: I love u guys too, but who told everyone else in the hallway, about my birthday? Was it u Tomiks?
T: actually, no
S: Lawrence?
L: nope
S: Esme?
E: I wish
S: Mr. Finn??
MF: actually, it was Freddy
S: o.. than thanks Freddy, but I never really like being the center of attention. Still, thanks
F: your welcome Sum

I ran up to him and gave him a hug. Between the hug, I felt something. A familiar feeling that I had felt before. I just don't remember what it was, but I shook it off. We all just sit in our seats and start jamming out. The bell rings, and we go out for break.

*time skip to after school, because everything at school is boring 😂

Freddy pov
Today was Summer's 16th birthday and I wanted to make it special. If your wondering, yes I do like Summer Hathaway. Zack and I have been planning a way to tell James and Logan (A/N: the ppl who make the dare) that we didn't want to continue the bet, without ruining our reputation. I planned a surprise party for Summer, because I knew that her dad and mom are probably not doing anything for her again. (A/N: he doesn't know about her parents) I told Zack about the party, and he agreed to have it at his house. We were finished with school and I changed to these clothes:

 We were finished with school and I changed to these clothes:

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Zack and I went in and got the things ready for the party. I had told Tomkia to pretend that she was going to bring her to the movies. I've planned this whole thing out, and invited everyone from our class. People started to show up, so I texted Tomkia and she got Summer.

Tomika pov
I had agreed to Freddy's plan and went to Summer's house. He texted me saying it was time, so I knocked her door. She answered with a confused face.

S: Tomika??
T: hey! I was wondering, if u wanted to go to the movies today?
S: I know u want to celebrate my birthday, but u know why I hate going out ok these days
T: please?? Just this once.. u could pick my clothes
S: okay! But I'm taking u shopping this week, because I actually like your outfit right now

We giggle and she invites me inside. She went upstairs and changed into:

Once she finished getting ready we headed out the door into my car (her mom was driving) I was texting Freddy that we were on our way

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Once she finished getting ready we headed out the door into my car (her mom was driving) I was texting Freddy that we were on our way. I needed to make an excuse to why we would be at Freddy's house so her it goes..

S: um Tomiks..
T: yea..
S: why are we headed to Freddy's house
T: uhh.. I forgot to mention that.. the movie was at Freddy's...
S: o ok

I sighed in relieve and we arrived in the parking lot at Freddy's house. We entered, with no one there. I turned the corner and everyone popped out from the floor. Summer gasps and ran out the door. I was gunna catch up to her, until Freddy held me back.

F: I got this, u stay here with the guests

I nodded and invited everyone to the movie room.

Freddy pov
I ran after summer, and was able to find her in the back of the house. She was sitting there, crying between her knees. I ran up to her, and she looked up. We starred at each other for a few seconds, until she just looked back down. I don't understand, I thought she would be happy that I threw her a party. I sat next to
her and decided to ask.

F: Sum.. don't u like the party I threw for u?
S: I do.. it's just, I don't like celebrating my birthday
F: why? U always liked it when sometimes we would come over and your parents threw u a surprise party
S: *starts to cry even more
F: Sum? Did I miss something?
S: m-my mom.. she died.. and m-my d-Dad abused m-me. He didn't care about me anymore
F: aww Summy.. I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have asked u.
S: it's ok.. but thanks for trying to make it up to me Freddy. U don't know how much this means to me
F: sum, can I tell u something?
S: *nods
F: I-I'm so sorry.. if it wasn't for me and Zack acting so stupid on the last day of school, we could have comforted u through this. We didn't want to do it, it was just we had to protect u and Tomika. Kale made us do it.
S: it's fine Freddy, kale told us at the beginning of the school year. I'm so so SO sorry I told u guys to leave our lives. It's just, I wasn't thinking. I'm sorry *looks down

I don't know what to say, but I just pulled her into a hug. I didn't know what I was doing, but we let go of the hug, and started leaning in.....
I know u hate me.. but CLIFFHANGER! 😂 sorry I haven't been updating a lot but for sure going to update in the next 2 days so don't worry. Thanks to the people above who I mentioned, so I could continue making more chapters for this book. Love ya guys 😘

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