The beginning of hatred

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Summer pov
The ambulance came and took the girls. They also asked us a few questions. (N- nurse)

N: how did this happen?
T: see.. it's a Long story
S: but long story short, let's just say, they should be able to wake up
T: yea.. we got to go
S: bye

We both ran off and started to giggle. Man what has my best friend made me become. In the beginning of the year, I was all innocent and kind, but now I live to break a few rules of my own.
We don't know where the boys went, but we just left to our houses. I changed and went off to sleep.

Freddy pov
We called the ambulance, while the girls were beating up, the girls who were head over heels with us. To be honest, I wasn't surprise that Tomika hit them to death, but Summer.. a whole different story. I miss the old Summer.
Yea she was all tough and it was cute, but believe it or not Zack and I were friends with them before. We just been.. distant lately?it all started because..

The last day of Freshman year(9th grade). We were all hanging out, with Zack, Tomika, Summer, Lawrence, and Esme. We were still best friends... until me and Zack received a text. It was from Kale

Text between Freddy and Kale
K: hey babe
F: first of all Kale, we aren't even dating, and second of all, how'd u get my phone number
K: that doesn't matter, but what does matter is u have to do something for me.
F: and what if I don't do whatever u want me to do
K: I'll take Summer away from u and your friends
F: u wouldn't dare
K: try me. So are u in the plan or not
F: fine, but only because I don't want Summer to get hurt
K: good choice, and include Zack on this too

Kale told me that Zack and I had to do something mean to Summer and Tomika. I showed Zack,  and he was hesitant at first, but agreed because he didn't want Tomika to get hurt. We found out that Kale wanted us to humiliate them, we didn't want to, but we had no choice. Zach went up to Tomika and did something she wouldn't ever forgive him.

Z: Tomika can I talk to you about something
T: yeah sure

They both went out, but 5 minutes later, a crying Tomika came in. We all stood up, and comforted her. Zack came in, looking down

Z: I did it 😔
F: a deals a deal
F: hey um summer, can I talk to u..
S: I'm kinda helping Tomika
F: it'll be quick
S: I guess

We went to the back of the restaurant (pizza place pretty much) and I had to tell her

S: so.. what did u want to talk about
F: I.. I know u had a crush on me
S: u.. WHAT
F: and I don't like u summer. I never WILL
S: sorry u feel this way.. *she cries then leaves

Zack then comes out and we check the girls. They were both being comforted by Esme and Lawrence. Tomika looked up and gave me a disgusted face, Zack and I were about to leave, until we here Tomika cry out to us

T: before u leave, I don't get why u had to do it to Summer. I can't believe u Freddy. And Zack, u either...
S: just.. leave.. please, and never come back
F: Sum--
Z: we're sorry, but we had to do it
S: Just do us a favor, and leave, HECK LEAVE OUR LIVES. IM DONE WITH ALL OF THIS. JUST LEAVE..

Summer started to cry on Tomkia's shoulder. We both left and walked straight to our house. I couldn't feel more guilty than this, and to make it worse, Summer and Tomika blocked us from all our contacts with them. Kale texted me before I went to bed

K: well done, I'll save your little friends for a bit

I drifted to sleep, with guilt and sadness filling inside me.

End of flashback**

Still Freddy pov
I had to break this dare.. but how?
Hey guys! I've got a bit of sad news about this book. Sadly, there aren't many chapters for this book anymore. I would write more, but I'm running out of ideas. If u want this book to keep going I may need your help. If u have any other ideas for me to add extra details so this will keep on going. I did have another plan, but I had realized that my beginning wouldn't make any sense if I use that idea. I already have the ending planned out, and I'm not going to make a sequel. I could make one, but I would rather just continue making other books some of u may like. If u have any other ideas, comment down below or dm me.I'll give u credit and thanks for reading! 😘

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