Chapter One: A killing start

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Harmony's Pov.

"Wake up." I said pushing Scarlet off her bed making a loud THUMP. She got up and glared at me. "We're gonna be late for school." I said rolling my eyes. "Okay okay." She walked right into the bathroom. I got up and put on a blue hoodie with some jeans. Scarlet is probably making some adjustments to her mainframe in there. Oh well, that's what cyborgs do...I think.

She came back a couple minutes later looking exactly like me. "Woah, since when could you do that?!" I say in excitement. "Ever since I learned how to code. Watch this." She replied scanning a picture of mom. Seconds later she transformed to look exactly like her. I gasped, "That's amazing, but be yourself please. Save it for the pranks."
I say giggling. "Okay okay. Let's just go." She said laughing with me.

I jump on her back, "Giddy up!" She rolled her eyes. "Can I stop you?" She asked. I shook my head no as we ran into the forest.

~time skip cause of friendship~

"Where is this place?" I groan as we roam around the forest looking for the school. "It says on the invitation that it's well hidden and it's around this area." Scarlet replied looking at the map. "There! A lever." I yell to her pointing at the camouflaged lever. I hopped off her back and pulled it. A note popped out. "Uh..this could be one of the 'SlenderMan's notes' should we read it?" I asked her holding the paper. "I will, I'm not putting you in danger." She said snatching the note out of my hand.

I held my breath as she was reading it. She sighed in relief and I did the same. "It says to go north 300 paces then say our names out loud.." I jumped on her back again and we started north.

When we got there it was just plain old forest. "Hello?!" I yelled. I heard my voice echo through the air. "Ben is awesome!!" We both turned to the unfamiliar voice, and saw two strangers near us. They noticed too. We brought out our weapons and they did too.

"Who are you? Why are you here?" I ask them both pointing my gun at them. "We could ask the same about you two." The tall one said smirking. "Well, if you must know...we're here for school." Scarlet hissed at the same boy. I noticed that his eyelids were burned and his face pale as snow, while the other boy...looked the same age as me. His eyes were bleeding and he had a green hat covering his hair and ears.

"School huh?" The younger one replied putting away his weapon. "We are too. " They spoke at the same time. I put my gun in my pocket and looked at Scarlet. Who hesitated a bit before putting her knife away. "The names Harmony and this is my big sister, Scarlet." I introduced us both. "I'm Jeff, this shorty is Ben." Jeff said looking at me.

"Oh my Zalgo Jeff I am not short I'm fun sized!" Ben yelled at Jeff as he rolled his eyes. I giggled. "Well, I don't see a school here." Scarlet said looking around. "Hey Slenderman! I'm Harmony and this is Scarlet. Show your school already!" I yelled out in the distance. "Little girl gotta big mouth." I heard Jeff mumble under his breath. "Keep this up and you'll have a bullet in the side of your head." I told him sternly. "Yeah Harmony, defend fun sized people everywhere." Ben told me.

Scarlett's Pov.

As the three goofed around I kept looking. "We did exactly what we were told...this makes no sense!" I mumbled under my breath. "Maybe...we're suppose to find it by ourselves." Harmony said to herself. "Let me try something." I scanned the whole area around me to check if this was real forest. This could be an illusion...maybe. If this slender guy was really smart he would camouflage it. "Look, this tree." I knocked on it and it sounded like I was hitting metal. "Is we can open the hatch!" I opened the camouflaged door and there was the entrance way. "What a mind trick!" Ben said as all four of us started climbing down the ladder.

At the bottom of the entrance it led us to a classroom. With no one was empty except for a note on the desk. I read it out loud...

"Welcome killers. You've passed the first test! Now, I know you four just met but you'll need to work together to pass this school at the end of the month. Class starts in 15 minutes.

And if you're wondering...yes more people are coming. There about 25 students not counting you guys...Harmony, Scarlet, Jeff, and Ben. I'll see you soon.


A shiver traveled down my spine as I finished reading the note. "How the heck does he know we're already here?" I wondered out loud. "Well, he has no eyes but sees everything." Ben replied. "Oh I can never get away with any pranks. Like this one." I scanned Jeff and in a matter of seconds I looked exactly like this. He turned around and jumped. "Damn I look so beautiful!" Jeff said looking at me. "Well...most of the time." I turned back to look like myself. I looked up at the clock four minutes till class starts. More people started coming down the entrance ladders and each of them looked well...different I suppose.

"One minute till class starts..." My sister mumbled. A tall man walked through the door. He had no face. "Welcome to killer school, you all have been chosen from around the world to see if your wits and skill work together. By the end of this month there shall be a huge test testing your skill, agility, and speed. This will not be easy, and I expect some people to do better than others. Some people here are solo, some are partners, and some are siblings." He said facing me and Hannah. "All of you are here to face the fact if you're good enough for the life of a murderer." He finished.

This is not gonna be as easy as I thought...


BAM! There's the first chapter of this exciting book. I'm pretty sure its gonna get more adventurous...almost 100% sure of that.

If you haven't





See you guys later~

-Fatima the llama

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