Chapter Two: 1st 'Pop quiz'

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3rd Person

Now Jeff was curious as to know more about Scarlet, the girl whom he had just met. He had never seen someone part robot before and wanted to know more. Ben, on the other hand, was thinking of how he was going to impress Harmony. He hasn't had this feeling before but he just feels this butterfly feeling.  He didn't like it at all. The tall teacher spoke up after a brief period of silence. 

"Now, we shall have a pop quiz or whatever you want to call it, about speed. You all will run three laps around the whole forest...those who come the fastest, get to move on, those who don't." His mouth appeared and he started smirking. "Will have to run around the forest until they can get it right." He finished. The students climbed up the entrance way to find obstacles in their way. Many felt the blood lust returning, Scarlet felt more determined, she always liked a challenge.

A little girl stood out of the group. She was about eight years old and would stand next to a masked man, one who had a blue mask that would cover his entire face. Those two felt the most excited. Slenderman teleported up there and boomed, "GO!" They all started running, many had speed and were jumping over the hurdles with ease. Scarlet and Harmony were surprisingly the fastest. 

Ben and Jeff they were using the trees to their advantage. Hoping on the branches quicker than the fastest of monkeys, this impressed the teacher who was observing everyone. Scarlet, because of her robotic features found the short cuts, Harmony soon was tired out and collapsed. Just as he was about to call her off. Scarlet something Slenderman did not expect. 

She put her on her back and kept running. This was not unusual though, since they were siblings they cared for each other, but what suprised him was that she started singing a song.  The rest of the killers that were behind were struck with confusion, for this didn't happen before. Ben's ears enjoyed the music, but was trying to focus on not missing the branches. Jeff, was blocking the sound completely with utter focus. 

"You little-so fragile man." She started still running dodging all the traps the teacher had set. She didn't feel tired at all. "Your never listen."

She continued almost tripping on a branch. The other student following quickly behind her. Almost like they were chasing after her instead of the course. Slenderman was now more interested than impressed. "If I went back in time...things would be so much better." The cyborg jumped over a huge log covering the path. 

This was their final lap. Time was of the essence now.

"Bring back what once was mine." Scarlet sang holding tightly to the collapsed child. "Change fate's design.." She continued now ducking trying not to hit the sharp branches. The little girl, as I mentioned earlier, was now following the music, not the path. She was filled with curiosity as is to 'why does that song sound familiar'. Very strange indeed. 

"Bring back what once was mine..." She finished ending her final lap with a leap towards where they started. The tall slender man checked the time, and it almost seemed impossible, as if she slowed down time. He was shocked but announced the time "three minutes!" 

Her sister opened her eyes again. Now filled with energy again. She got up as if nothing ever happened. Seeming as if she never collapsed with exhausted. What about the other killers? You may be asking yourself. They now were crossing the ending point. Jeff and Ben were now as curious as ever. The others were filled with confusion. Except the young girl for she thought one thing

She wanted to play.


That my dear readers, was the first time I have ever done something like this. I may have broken the fourth wall but who cares!?

Give me some feedback! Do you want more third person views?




and follow!


~Fatima the intense llama

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