Chapter Nine: The Maze

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The next day....

3rd Person

"The next task will be harder than all the rest we've done. You may choose whether you want to work together or be solo, but it will be easier working with a group. When you wake up you will find yourself in a maze with all sorts of these things: traps, rabid animals, and even contraptions that will guarantee your failure." Slenderman finished and the class nodded.

"Wait when we wake u-" A hooded man with a frowned mask was cut off collapsing to the ground; along with the rest of the class.

When they woke up they saw that the teacher kept his promise and they were in a maze. Most of them went their separate ways. Ticci-toby went with Clockwork, Hoodie with Masky, Jeff with Ben, Sally and EJ, and Harmony with Scarlet. Other than them the rest went solo. Unknown that they all were closer than they thought they started walking.

"I can't get a reading on this." Scarlet grumbled messing with her robot arm. "This guy really wants us to use our brains." She thought out-loud. "Don't. Make. Me. Do. Math." Harmony groaned while walking around the maze that only led her to dead ends.

"This is impossible!" Scarlet said, sitting down on the floor, her back facing the stone wall.

"I know right?" Jeff suddenly said sitting down next to her.

Scarlet stared at him and said in a joking manner, "Stalker much?" Jeff chuckled under his breath before explaining,

"We saw you two from...about ten feet away and we were lost so we followed." She shrugged and saw Ben levitating upwards as if he was trying to peek at the end of the maze. "The wall is too tall!" He exclaimed in annoyance.

"Maybe you're too short." Jeff said to no one in particular before smirking at his peeved off face.

"Get off my back!" Ben said turning around to do his own thing.

My god, at this rate BenXJeff will never happen...DX

Oh yeah...back to the story...

"Sssssssssss..." A sound was heard coming not too far from them. "Ben, you aren't fooling me. Idiot, learn how to prank someone!" Jeff called out in annoyance. "I didn't do anything, you prick!" Ben called out back.

"Scarlet, is that you?" He grumbled looking at the stressed out chick. "Nope." She said popping the 'p'. "HARMONY, STAHP IT!" She yelled, making Harmony scurry back to punch her sister in the arm.

Unfortunately, she hit her robotic arm...

Yeah that hurt...

"F-fffffff..." She trailed off holding her red hand. "I didn't d-do that." She said wincing at her throbbing hand. "Ssssssssssss..." The sound was heard now closer, and it sounded more like a group o-

"COBRAS!" Ben shrieked his girly scream jumping onto Jeff's back.

"How manly..." Scarlet muttered making Jeff laugh, and then it hit him..

That was his first laugh in four years. ,



"They're poisonous little pricks!" Ben hissed refusing to get off Jeff's back. "SHOO!" Harmony motioned the snakes to get away but they wouldn't-it just got them mad.

"Bad, snakes! Leave or I'll make you into a purse!" Harmony added shooing them away. "You're so smart!" Scarlet told her sarcastically. "Maybe we can uh...hypnotize them?" Ben suggested as they all backed away from the pissed off snakes-getting bitten was no fun.

"How can we do that genius?" Jeff replied looking up at him with a frown on his face.

"I think I got it!" Harmony said before whistling a tune. The tune confused the snakes and the stopped dead in their tracks; not knowing what to do.

Not long after they dropped to the floor, eyes open but they weren't moving. "Are they dead?" Ben asked looking at them. "No, snakes don't have eyelids. They're asleep so be quiet!" Scarlet whisper/shouted at him and he nodded. They tiptoed off to try to get out of this goddamn maze.


"FINALLY!" Jeff yelled exiting. "Snakes?! Really?!" Ben and Harmony shouted at the teacher immediately. About half of the class was already there, "Get this damn thing off!" Eyeless Jack cursed dragging out a metal chomper attached to his boot, Sally following behind.

"We're out. Finally!" Toby shouted while Clockwork facepalmed behind him. "That guy is so annoying for some reason..." Masky mumbled crossing his arms on his chest, Hoodie nodded in agreement as the rest of the class was teleported out of the maze.

"All of you that were late getting out five laps around the forest NOW!" Slenderman boomed followed by groans and annoyed sighs.

"I'm glad that we found you guys." Ben said flashing a smile.

"And why is that?"

"I DON'T LIKE EXERCISE!" He Said flashing a goofy smile, before turning to Scarlet...

"Hold me..." He whined.





If you haven't





Like...damn you guys have been spamming me with votes...

I like it c:

Thanks for 700+ reads!

I love you all >w< No homo though

cfyuiolkjvcxzsrtuikjnvcxdtiolmnvcdtul <--- My cat says hai :3


~Fatima the happy llama

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