Chapter Seven: You can...?

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3rd Person's Pov.

 "Let's hear it!" The three girl said still raising their weapons when in a blink of an eye they disappeared and they were in Zalgo's hands. "H-how..?" Harmony stuttered as she saw her gun in his hand. "I don't want any unnecessary actions dear, now let's get to the point I have something you all have longed for ever since you lost it." He said casually as if it didn't matter twirling Harmony's gun in his hand.

 "What would that be exactly?" Sally asked more interested. "Your family." He spoke and Scarlet gasped at the mention of her parents. Memories of that fatal day came rushing back; the day where she lost her parents and half her body.

//flashback FTW//

 "When are we getting there? I need some new school supplies!" Flora said impatiently jumping in her seat. "We'll get there soon honey, watch Hope on her phone if you're bored." Her father spoke as he kept driving as her pregnant mother sat in her seat sleeping.

 "Hoooope~ I'm very bored~" Flora sang as she watched Hope play Flappy Bird. "Dangit you made me die!" She whined as she punched her in the shoulder. "I was about to beat my high score too!" Hope whined as Flora laughed.

 They were having a normal family outing, life was perfect!

 All of a sudden a car crashed into them from the side. The moment was played in slow motion as her father was shot out of the car and he mouthed 'I love you' at his wife who was crushed at the impact, along with her unborn baby.

 Flora was bounced around in her seat, as the car rolled around in circles. She was now unable to tell what was up or down while Hope cried in pain as her arm and leg weren't moving at all and felt as if she had crushed them into a million pieces while the glass pierced her skin. The pain unbearable, but she held on to her sister's hand as she fell into the darkness that would turn her and her sister into who they were today.

 //Flashback over// ((I do gucci?))

 "How? Why would you do this? Where are they!?" Harmony and Scarlet asked at the same time. "That's not all, Sally I can heal you, wouldn't that be great, to have all the pain haunting you all gone?" He spoke again this time more amused at the sister's reactions.

Sally's eyes grew and she nodded unable to speak the words she was thinking.

What do I have to do? I'll do anything!

  "All you three have to work for me then everything will be done. You'll get your family back, pain will be gone, and life will be great!" The three girls did not have to think about their answers as he stepped forward. "Shake on it and the deal will be done." He said as he stretched his hand outward.

 Scarlet reached for his hand when a booming voice stopped her dead in her tracks.



Thanks for the encouragement and the feedback guys! <3 I love reading that stuff, and if you haven't






~Fatima the dancing llama

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