Chapter Eleven: HEhehehehehhehehehe

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"Glacia, for your gratitude in accepting this deal, I need to give you something to show you my gratitude." Zalgo spoke pulling his hand away to reveal a small box. Glacia was still blind but could hear better than the average person; she heard a small jingle inside the box.

"You don't have to give me anything." She spoke pushing the box away. 

"But I do, please just take it since I won't take no for an answer." He said revealing a crystal snowflake necklace that had tiny bells on the side and he put it around her neck, then disappeared.

A shock ran through her and her left eye felt a bit different, indescribable even. 

*    *     *     *     *

"Mom, I'm home!" She called entering her home. 

"Sweetie, why were you out so late?" Her mom said helping her up the steps.

"Lost track of time, I met some people today too when I was out in the for-"

"Don't tell me you were in the forest." Her mom said; her voice full of worry.

"Well yes, I was, it's the only place where I can see Ben." Glacia said annoyed with her mother's constant warnings.

"Oh my lord, Glacia! You. May. Not. Go. Into. the. FOREST!" Her mom scolded.

"What are you so worried about? The monsters you constantly talk about are FAKE! F. A. K. E!" Glacia replied getting annoyed.

"Glacia, how would you know that? You're blind. You will always be blind. You don't know that!" Her mother raised her voice. Not long after a baby started to cry.

"Harmoni's crying now, now I'll have to sing to her till morning." Her mother said sarcastically, walking away leaving Glacia with her dog. Glacia walked to her room and plopped down onto her bed. 

"Well at least I have that class ski trip to look forward too." She mumbled to herself as she drifted of to sleep.

*    *     *     *     *

-The Next Week-

*    *    *    *    *

"Today we will be opening you to more weapons. In tight situations we can't always rely on the weapons we have." Slenderman explained as the class listened.

"Now each person will have a sparing partner, and you will NOT change them." The class groaned with annoyance. Slenderman ignored them and read down the list

"Jeff with Scarlet

Ben with Harmony

Masky and Toby

Hoodie with Clockwork

Jackson with Laughing Jack

Jane and Nina"

He continued the list and the rest listened. 

"What about me?" Sally asked quietly; seeing that it was an odd number of students. 

"Ah yes, Sally, I forgot to add we have a new student here." He spoke and everyone looked around, but only finding familiar faces.

"S-Sorry I'm late!" An unknown voice said rushing in. 

Ben looked at her and his eyes went wide, along with Jeff's, Scarlet's, and Harmony's.

She sat down and the class studied her, but she didn't notice. 

"She's blind."

"What's a girl like her doing here?"

"I say kill her when class is over."

"You will not be doing anything of the sort!" The teacher boomed making everyone flinch. 

"You guys should really learn how to whisper, I could hear you from a mile away." She said giggling; not being bothered by the things they were saying. "I mean, seriously, you guys should at least know a person's strength before plotting to murder them." She said laughing.

"What strengths could you possibly have? You're blind." A girl scoffed not far behind her.

"I'm blind too, I don't see anything to do that would affect me from it." E.J spoke up, getting annoyed from their childness.

"SHUT UP!" Slenderman yelled causing them all to fall silent.

"You never underestimate other people, and I'll show you why." He continued before teleporting everyone to show them what he means.

"Now Ben and Glacia, come here."


That's the end of this chapter!

Hehe >:3 You'll learn about what happened to Glacia later! 


Sorry about the clffhanger, I couldn't help myself ^~^

If you haven't







~Fatima the writing llama

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