Chapter Fifteen: Unexpected! ((Actual Chapter))

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Okay, here we go.


Okay? Okay. Let's start this thing.


**Eight Months Later**

Yes it seems like time has flown doesn't it? Not for our characters.

Every assignment has been more dreadful than the last. More time consuming, whether it's to track down someone who's been publicizing a bit too much information or whether it's to clear up suspicion.

Today it was to clear suspicion.

Everyone's fate was riding on a poor blind girl's shoulders.

Harmony was too young and perky to be taken seriously. Everyone else had at least one feature that made them unable to do the job.

Who would doubt a blind girl?

A lot of people...

"OFFICER! OFFICER!" Glacia ran to the police station like planned holding her bleeding shoulder where she purposely shot herself. The victims were shot and then violently stabbed.

"Huh? Wha-" An officer came out of the station, clueless to the fact that the whole class was watching in the shadows.

"The killer! S-she..."

"Call an ambulance now! Sector B in need of an ambulance and medical procedures."

'He really knows how to get to the point by the sound of it.' She thought holding back a giggle.

"Now tell me what happened. Did you get any looks or what he looked like?"

Glacia glared at him and removed her sunglasses. "Does it look like I did?!" She snapped and hissed in pain, tears rolling down her cheek. The bullet burned her skin and caused her lots of pain, not mentioning the fact that it's reacting with the chemicals in her own body.

"I'm terribly sorry Miss..." The officer trailed down.

"Jessica Foster."

"Ah yes Ms. Foster well," sirens blared in the background, "we'll continue this conversation on the way to the hospital." He mumbled as she was loaded up. He sat down across from her while the medics examined her shoulder that was bleeding violently.

"So Jessica, how did you escape?" The officer asked his voice filled with suspicion.

"I heard her in the attic, they went upstairs for a bit while I stayed down and waited a-and..." Glacia's voice cracked and she buried her face in her hands. "I heard her cock the gun and so I ran. She shot me in the shoulder and i believe the finderprint could be on it so I ran over here." She lied easily.

The bullet inside her was coated with a special wax so that the fingerprint wouldn't whipe off, when the doctors remove it; they'll have a false lead onto the murderer and the class would be whiped out of suspecion.

"The blood would've whiped it off by now, the bullet is deep." One of the medics said turning off a flashlight.

"Wouldn't hurt to try though, please I just want my friends and boyfriend avenged."
* * * * *
"That's good acting right there." Harmony said to Scarlet as everyone listened closely to Glacia, she had a chip in her hair-tie that would record everything just in case things got unstable.

"Shhhhhhhh!" Everyone shushed her. She nodded as they kept listening.
* * * * *
~At the hospital~

"So Ms. foster, have you been taking your medications?" A nurse asked walking in. Glacia narrowed her eyes, knowing this was a trick, she replied, "I don't take medication."

The nurse started laughing, "Just testing!" Glacia only frowned, "I don't find that funny miss." Her voice thick with venom. "I-uh-sorry. On other news the bullet in your shoulder is deep so we'll have to do a procedure it out soon."

'Ms. foster' smiled, "Just get it out the pain is immense and my shoulder is stiff." She said truthfully. "Well that happens when you get shot, say...I've always wondered. What's it like to live in complete darkness?"

Glacia stiffened and her hands formed fists, "I would rather...not answer that." She said gritting her teeth.

"Okay. Say is it just me or did it get cold in here. Brr...can you feel the chill too?"


"Uh-oh..." Ben murmured.

"Let's just hope she doesn't freak."

"No I can't, just PLEASE get this bullet out of me!" She said still gritting her teeth and her fists were red from how her nails were digging into her skin.

"Okay okay, now relax..." She said giving her some sleeping gas.

The procedure went well, everything was fine. The bullet was out and there was a false fingerprint as planned.

"Well would you look at that? Now we know who's been committing the murders!" The officer laughed and Glacia woke up,

"Oh it's out. Yaaaaaaaaay." She muttered sleepily, the amount of pain killers made it seem like she was drunk.

"Hey Jessica, by any chance, have you heard of a girl named Glacia Winters? Today's the last week we're looking for her before we assume she's dead. She's been gone for a whole year now..."

"Huh? No never heard of her...yeah she's dead. Never to return." Glacia mumbled into her pillow.

"Guess we'll have to break it to the family then. Well you were lucky Jess, thanks for everything."

"You, are welcome."

Assignment complete.

* * * * *

"Good job, Glacia!" Scarlet said as Ben dragged the pain killer drunk girl into the room.

"Who's Glacia? I'm Jessica foster, and I am the president!" She slurred, "Get me my horse woman!"

"It'll wear off soon...I hope..." Ben said glancing at his girl.


"Oh dear god..she's making thing you know she's going to be breaking the forth wall..." Jeff muttered.

"GREAT IDEA! IN THE NEXT CHAPTER THE AUTHOR IS GOING TO INTROD-" Scarlet slapped a hand over her mouth.


XD that was fun to write

Glacia almost spoiled the surprise for you guys -3-

If you haven't



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Can we reach 200 votes before the book ends? :0

~Fatima the llama

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