Chapter Twenty-Four: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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Scarlet pulled back; lost for words. Inside she was screaming and completely confused, but she just looked at Jeff and did the best thing possible. 

She slapped him hard.  

"What the hell?! What was that for?!" Jeff yelled putting a hand on his stinging cheek. 

"You know why you idiot!" She yelled at him in frustration. 

"It's not like I wanted to kiss you!" 

"I didn't want to kiss YOU!" 

"Well fine then! We can just forget about the whole thing then!"



Ben just looked at the two in confusion and shrugged. "Lovers." He mumbled shaking his head and walking away.  

*         *         *

"Glacia, what's with you?!" Harmony yelled at Glacia as she was dragged away. 

"I'm not Glacia you little twat." 'Zalgo relied as she carried Harmony on her back. 

"What? Are you a ghost possessing my friend? LET HER GO!" Harmony yelled thrashing and kicking. 

"You're stupider than I thought-ow. Why did I pick a girl with such a fragile body, what was I thinking?" 'he' muttered the last part as they kept walking towards an escarpment. 

"Nono boy what are you thinking." Harmony said thrashing as soon as she saw the cliff. 

"Oh calm yourself I'm not going to throw you off." Zalgo said rolling 'his' eyes in annoyance. 

"Then what are you going to do then?" She asked as he put her down and started tying her up with the rope he brang along. 

"Like I would tell you." He scoffed. 

"It's so hard to take you seriously when you're possessing my best friend. What the hell, dude. You just HAAAAD to trick a blind girl? That's just low." 

"Well Harmony, let's just say..." He looked at her for a second and then smiled wickedly, "the best way to deal with remorse is sacrifice." 



Sorry for short chapter, there's actually a lot of information in it if you read it carefully. I have to study for a test and junk :c

If you haven't



Comment what you think Zalgo's up to!

And follow!


~Fatima the llama

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