Chapter Twenty-One: "Is that a yes...or no?"

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Thank you so much for the feedback! <3 I'm glad you guys like this book so far, and trust me...the fun has only just begun! >:D

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"The Clash has now been delayed. It will continue when Glacia Winters and Harmony Maes have been found along with Zalgo!" Slenderman boomed as everyone was murmuring about what just happened, and Scarlet was having a panic attack.

"Calm down!" Jeff told her as she paced around the arena.

"I will calm down when we get my sister back!" She shot back almost pulling her hair out from frustration. "Come find us? Is this some game to him?!" Scarlet yelled at Slenderman for answers.

"This has never happened before. I thought I told you three to stay out of Zalgos way!" He shouted back as his white face (racist) turned red.

"You told Harmony, Sally, and me! You didn't tell Glacia, and she was just a normal blind girl then!"

"You let a normal girl LIVE?"


"SHUT IT! BOTH OF YOU!" Jeff yelled interrupting their little quarrel. "Now instead of fighting, how about we actually DO SOMETHING?"

"Can't you just teleport to them?" Sally asked tugging on his suit to get his attention.

"Dear Sally, I would have to know exactly where they would be, it's not a super power." He answered calming down a bit.

"So we're on our own?" Scarlet said gritting her teeth.

"Well...not exactly...we can have two profe-"

"Aw so sweet! You're calling us professionals!" A young voice called from behind him.

They turned around and saw a girl and a boy. The younger one that spoke twirled her brown hair around her finger as she spoke,

"The name is Woof, and we're here to get your precious students back."

* * * * * * * *

The arena was empty except for Carl, Kevin, and everyone that was concerned. Many people left to go and start searching just like Slender commanded, but Scarlet kept pacing back and forth in fear that her precious sister might be harmed.

"Woof? That's your name?" Ben asked Woof and the silent guy next to her.

"Yup! That's my name, because I like to see my victims howl in pain." She said as her dark brown eyes flashed with lust and she gave him a very sadistic smile.

"Who's the guy?"

"My good friend. He has multiple personality disorder so I wouldn't want to bring out the killer in him just yet."

"I meant his name.."

"He's the one to tell you that." She replied smugly as she looked around in amusement.

"What makes you think you'll be of use?" Scarlet snapped at her.

The strange girl didn't seem phased at all. Woof looked up at Scarlet who tensed up at how demented she looked. Her brown brown bangs covered her eyes a bit as her hat sagged to the side; all that filled her eyes was chaos, dystruction, and blood lust. Woof moved her bangs out of her eyes and Scarlet caught a glimpse of a huge red scar across her forehead.

"My friend and I here specialize in finding people and making it so they never existed. Almost as if they were never born. Finding these two will be like an everyday task-that is..if you want our help." Woof stated with no expression on her face.

Everyone was silent; Slenderman watched as all of this went down. He wasn't a part of this because of the missing girls, he was apart of it because Zalgo disobeyed his rules.

"So is that a yes...or a no?"


Should Scarlet trust Woof and her partner?

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*looks at Woof while typing this*



~Fatima the llama

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