Chapter Four: Thinking...

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Damn that's awesome! Thanks, as a reward, I will....uh...PORTAL GIVE ME IDEAS ON WHAT TO DO AS A REWARD! (She's my wattpad bud that's reading this chapter. No, I'm not a stalker.)


3rd Person's Pov.

Scarlet noticed that the students around her were getting a should I put this? Oh yes, cocky.

Bragging as they were about past kills and how easy they were going to get through this. It annoyed her and made her pity them more. For they soon will see the cost for this inappropriate actions. She had learned over the years that those who brag will regret it soon.

Jeff was fiddling with his knife, thinking of all the people he was going to put to sleep. He loved seeing the terrified faces and sometimes the humans would put on a show for him: begging, screaming, and even bribing. Although it was entertaining, it made him sick the way they acted.

Ben, he was making a list of people who deleted his file. A long list indeed. He grinned at the fact that he'll be making a lot o people insane. All the files went directly to Ben's mind, it was a pain but it was easier to keep track of who's 'next'

Harmony was still confused as to why the little girl would look over at her every once in a while. A shiver went up her spine every time. Yet, she doesn't know that this little girl doesn't have 'little thoughts' 

Sally, now she was thinking more about the two sisters than her kills she was going to make. 'How did they die?' 'Why do they kill?' 'Why is one a robot?' All these questions floated through her mind. She made up her mind that later, she was going to get answers.


YAHOO! Next chapter is going to be juicy~ 

If you haven't



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~Fatima the mind reading llama

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