Chapter Twenty: WHAT THE HELL

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That bonus picture is coming up great ^.^ ((I procrastinated...a little...))

You may want to play the multimedia. Yes I like Nightcore don't judge me o^o

Alsoooo, don't forget that half of Scarlet's face is metal. She is a cyborg. ((Ugh when I put it like that it sounds cliché

e-e ))

* * * * * *

"Welcome to the seventy-fourth annual Clash! We are the new hosts Carl and Kevin and we have new students that will be participating this year!" Carl steps out onto the arena and speaks as the crowd of older killers, fangirls, and people like Slenderman sat watching.

"Exactly twenty-six, Carl." Kevin added.

"Shut up, Kevin. Anyways! Let's introduce the teams!" Carl said grinning mischievously as he glanced at the students who were a bit nervous because of crowd size.

"We have Masky and hoodie!

Sally and Scarlet

Harmony and Glacia


"BEN THE STRIPPER AND JEFFAFA THE KILLER!" Glacia, Scarlet, and Harmony screamed as loud as they could before the brothers could finish; making everyone laugh.

"Err...yes..then we have Toby and Clockwork, Eyeless Jack and Laughing on, Jane and Nina, Glitchy Red and Lost Silver. . . AND EVERYONE ELSE BECAUSE I'M SICK OF TELLING YOU ALL THIS." Carl told everyone before handing the mic to Kevin who rolled his eyes.

"And you guys wonder why I don't let him talk often." He replied before continuing on, "As you all know we never have the same obstacle course. We've decided that there will not be an obstacle course."

"Instead...we've prepared a little something for each match." Carl added smirking glancing at Slender who nodded a bit.

"Let's begin!"

* * * * *

"Let's see who are the lucky people who get to start..." Slenderman boomed as he pulled the lever on a slot machene that had the faes of all the students on there. It started to roll and two faces were picked.


"Now for that surprise..." Slenderman stated.

"Ah yes...will you do us the honors, Slenderman?" Kevin asked showing him to a large lever.

"As a matter of fact I will. Let's go with my favorite...the forest..." He said with amusement in his voice as he pulled down on the lever.

The fighting arena changed quickly, it almost seemed like it was expanding at a rapid pace. In a flash the plain old arena turned into a flush green forest.

"You have no idea how long it took to build that." Kevin said as the audience stared in awe at the change of setting.

The two teams sprinted to different sides of the forest.

"I'll take Laughing Jackie and you take Eyeless Jack okay?" Harmony whispered before running off.

"Got it." She nodded before being tackled by the guy that was just mentioned.

"Wow you're heavy." She grunted as she tried pushing him off her.

"Well that happens when you eat too much kidneys. Now let's finish this quickly yes?" He told her as he took his scalpel out of his pocket.

"Uh how about no." Glacia replied pushing him off her, "Couldn't stand that kidney breath any longer." She added before they both started fighting.

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