Chapter Nineteen: A little Spice Of Friendship

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*flips Woof off*


The next day...

((5 hours before tournament))

* * * * *

"So, you'll make sure to use your hearing to your advantage?" Harmony asked as everyone discussed last minute tactics and techniques.

"Of course, a girl can do a lot more than you think when she's blind," Glacia said laughing.

"Who's ready for this years tournament?" Carl and
Kevin asked stepping into the classroom.

"Psh. Going to be a piece of cake," Jeff said looking around at everyone's partners.

Hoodie and Masky (dur)

Sally and Scarlet

Harmony and Glacia

Ben the stripper and Jeffafa

Toby and Clockwork (Double Dur)

EJ and LJ

Jane and Nina

Glitchy Red and Lost silver

Jeff stopped and looked at Silver, 'kawaii beast, I'm more kawaii than him though.' He thought to himself as he turned his attention back on the two brothers.

"Now, we came to discuss a few more rules with you all so that we can insure that no one gets killed in the process. Three people got killed last year and it wasn't a very pretty sight." Carl explained grinning at the recollection of last years Clash.

"Carl, you're the one who killed them." Kevin said rolling his eyes.

"Oh yeaaah..."

"Idiot. Anyways, the rules are simple, if you are using a knife, you aren't allowed to create any fatal wounds." Jeff snorted and Scarlet held back a laugh.

"Same rule applies for a sword, scythe, scaple, whatever you people use."

"Jeez, Kevin, you're ruining the fun." Carl stated crossing his arms against his chest.

"Shut the hell up and just tell them the rest."

" know...I would, but I forgot how to read at this moment, link guy, you can read this." Carl said shoving the paper to Ben.

"I'm not link."

"And I don't care. Just read the damn paper."

"And finally, those who have severely injured someone during the games, will be disqualified and have to start from scratch in this school." Ben finished reading then gave it back to Carl,

"You guys have about four hours left until Clash begins. Use it well, and remember..." Kevin trailed off.

"No pain no game!" They said at the same time then walked out of the room laughing.

"So children, you are all dismissed. Return here at the requested time; not a minute too soon or too late. You may leave now." Slender told them all and then teleported away.


Everyone walked out of the room with their partner.

"Are you two dating?" Harmony asked Masky and Hoodie.

"No...we're not..." They both responded a bit irritated.

"Aw damn, it's pretty kawa-"

"Harmony..." Scarlet said from behind her angrily.

"Uh...yes, Scar?" Harmony asked turning around and facing her big sister.

"If she's bothering you, sorry I'm not sorry, get used to it." Scarlet quickly told Masky and Hoodie before dragging her sister off to meet up with Sally and Glacia.

* * * * * * * * * * *

"Ready, Glacy? One last time!" Harmony yelled over to her friend before charging at her with her gun in her hand.

"Right kick! Left punch! Upper cut! Duck towards the left!" Harmony said commands as she swung and kicked at her and Glacia would do as she says biting her lip in frustration.

"Phew! Good job girlie!" Harmony said catching her breath as Glacia rubbed her red arms.

"Thanks. Now your turn!" Glacia said before spinning Harmony around multiple times until she was dizzy.

"I feel like I'm on a Farsi wheel!" She cheered when she stopped spinning.

"Okay ready? Set. GO!" Glacia said and Harmony started running as fast as she could through the forest. She was still dizzy, which caused her to wobble, but she missed every tree that came her way.

Until the last tree.

She ran into that one.

"Good job! You only ran into one tree that time!" Glacia commented after hearing the thump that the collision made.

"My head aches...I think I got a concussion..." Harmony replied rubbing her forehead.

"We have three more hours, how about we just chill for the rest of the time?" Glacia suggested sitting down; her back facing a tree.

"Okay...hey, is your real name Glacia?" Harmony asked curiously.

"Yup! That's my real name, Glacia Winters. My parents thought it would be best if I had a name that would make you think of a glacier," she joked earning a giggle from Harmony.

"Okay okay, what's your full name?" Glacia asked.

"Creep...just kidding!" Harmony laughed, "I don't tell this often but it's really Flora Mae."

"What a pretty name,"

So a friendship blossoms...but not for long...



We reached the vote goal yesterday! And so I drew a picture of JeffXScarlet as a reward. ((I'll be doing that often. We reach goal=Bonus pictures and scenes))

You'll see it next chapter.

Hmm...can we get ten votes on this chapter? I think we can ^.^

If you haven't



Comment what you think is going to happen!

And follow!

Bye bye~

~Fatima the llama

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