Chapter Sixteen: Tournament + Special Guests

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3rd Person (It will always be in third person. Deal with it) 

"My head hurts." Glacia groaned as she walked through the forest.  "Well, you were painkiller drunk. I'm not surprised." Ben said rolling his eyes.

"You better not be rolling your eyes at me." She growled annoyed. "Of course not! Why would I roll my eyes at you..." He said freaked out and scared for once.

"Mhmmm, be scared." 

*  *  *  *  *  *

All of the students walked into the sparring area where they were told to meet up to find Slender talking with two guys. 

"Who the hell are these guys?" Jeff muttered as he walked towards the group. 

Scarlet looked at the two guys in confusion, 'why are they even here?' She asked. They weren't normal, no not at all.

"Today we shall be learning about an annual special event that these two gentlemen host every year called the Clash." 

"Hello everyone!" One of them stepped up adjusting his glasses, "My name is Kevin and this is my brother Carl. You see, like Slender said, we hold the clash. The Clash is a tournament-like event where you get a chance to prove who's the best fighter out of all twenty-six of you." 

"Yeah what he said. Now for the first division you'll have to pair up with whoever you want, we made that up so non of you will whine and wuss about who get paired up with." Carl told them harshly.

"What about the second division?" Harmony asked.

"Oh yeah, the teams split on from there and go through a grand obstacle course to where at the end. Whoever made it will fight to the death." Carl said laughing.

"CARL!" Kevin scolded.

"What? Am I not aloud to freak them out?" He said glaring at his brother.

"No, you liar. You completely messed up." 

"I didn't want to be dragged into explaining this to these people but you were all like 'Carl c'mon, we both run it so we both have to go!' SO SHUT UP."

Kevin sighed and shook his head, "It's not to the death, each round has five minutes on the clock, if the opponents fail to knockout either one of them, they both are paired with other people in the next round." Everyone sighed with relief upon hearing this. 

"The clash is held next week so choose your partners wisely and start practicing that way it won't be a waste of my time. Any questions?"

"I actually have a question. You guys look nothing like murderers, so how are you able to run this damn thing?" Jeff asked smirking.

"Looks aren't everything boy, so I suggest you keep your mouth shut...what's left of it anyways." Carl snapped back.

"I think I might just need some proof before 'shutting my mouth'." Jeff said.

"You asked for it." He muttered taking off his hat, revealing two llama ears (Oh hell yeah) and grinned showing his razor sharp teeth. Carl stepped up to him and knelled down, pushing his dark brown hair out of his red eyes he asked Jeff, "Now do you believe us?"

"Y-yup..." Jeff muttered stepping back. 

"Now that that's over, we wish you luck!" Kevin said dragging Carl out of the room.

"I hope all of you fail miserable!~" Carl sang while leaving.

"Well they were really nice." Harmony said laughing. 


Woah it's been a week :0

I've been focusing on my other book Dangan Rompa Creepypasta (It has some of the characters in here~~) 

If you haven't





I have to give @58_Diamonds credit for the Clash idea, it was in an rp. X3

That's all! 

P.S I can't believe no one guessed Carl and kevin. XD

~Fatima the llama

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