Chapter Eighteen: They're Angry, Very Angry

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Love you guys!~

Now let's begin~

* * * * Time Skip to the day before the tournament * * * *

"Ready, Glacy?" Harmony asked her partner as they walked into Harmony's home.

"For what?" The blind girl asked her as her dog tugged on his leash.

"The tournament silly!" She replied as she flopped down on her couch.

"Oh yeaah. Yup. I'm ready." Glacia answered her calmly as she sat down and stared at nothing. "Wow it's so nice in here. So peaceful.." She complimented Harmony after a moment of silence.

"Wait till Scarlet get's home. Then it won't be so pe-"

"I'M HOME MOTHERTRUCKERS!" Scarlet yelled as she opened the door to their home.

"SPEAK OF THE DEVIL." Harmony yelled back laughing.

" in peace.." Glacia said covering her ears and laughing.

"Oh hey Glacia! So how's life?" Scarlet asked walking into the room they were in.

"It's very life-like." She replied turning her head towards their direction and laughing as Buster jumped onto her lap and started to bark.

"Ah yes...very descriptive very much wow." Scarlet said laughing as she sat down next to the blind girl.

"So how was training with Sally? I think she's about...eight right?" Glacia asked changing the subject.

"She's eight all right, but if you ignore all of her childish behavior...the girl can fight. She's very quick on her feet and her grip on a neck is very very strong for someone her age. So she's fine." Scarlet answered her truthfully.

"Oh you should see this girl!" Harmony chirped up pointing at Glacia.

"Harmonyd do-"

"Her ears could hear me if I was running close to her and she's so flexible! Her only weakness is that, oh wait I shouldn't tell you that." Harmony told her sister in excitement.

". . . ." Glacia stayed quiet as an embaressed blush crept on her face, "'s nothing though. I'm not overpowered like a cyborg. I mean, can you imagine having a cyborg in the competition? That would be GG!" She explaimed causing Harmony and Scarlet to laugh.

"I part robot." Scarlet told her laughing.



"YO WE'RE IN YOUR HOUSE AND WE'RE NOT GETTING OUT!" Jeff and Ben yelled jumping through an open window.

". . . ." They all stared at the two in complete silence.

"Get out!" The three girls yelled at the two boys.


"I'll come over there and kick you out!" Scralet threatened getting up and walking over to the two iggnorent boys.

"Come try to." Jeff said stepping up.

"You wanna fight me tough guy?" Scarlet asked putting her hand on her hip.

"I think you're the one who wants to fight me." He replied, looking at her in amusement.

"What if I do?"

"Then I'm going to have t-"

"KISS YOU!" Harmony cut him off squealing and laughing.

"HUH?!" They both exclaimed turning around.

"ONE TRUE PAIR! IT'S RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME! OTP OTP OTP!" She continued squealing as she shook Glacia.

"I AGREE! OTP OTP OTP!" Ben chanted along with Harmony.

"OTP OTP OTP!" Glacia joined in on the shipping.

"NONONO! I'M LEAVING. SCREW YOU ALL." Jeff yelled covering his face.

"We all know you want to screw Scarlet though. So I guess that phrase is acceptable." Ben said before running out the door, an angry Jeff running after him.

"You get on my nerves, Harmony." Scarlet said covering her blushing face.

((They're not singing, they're talking in this part))

"You'd think a girl would learn..." Harmony muttered rolling her eyes.

"No man is worth the aggregation idiot." Scarlet growled; glaring.

"Just say it Scar!" Glacia laughed as she pet her dog,

"I won't say it! No way! I won't say I'm in love! I'm not!"

"Check the mood girl! You're in love!"

"It's too clichè, I won't say I'm in love! I'm not, I don't even like him."

"Give up! Give in!" The two girls chanted.

"Shut up! I'm not!

"Read our lips you're in love!"

"This scene won't play, I'm not in love!" She yelled before stomping out the door and slamming the door shut.

((First person to guess those quotes from a song wins a dedications. *hint* childhood *hint*))

"You think she's in love?" Harmony asked Glacia who was still petting her dog.

"Trust me. I was in her position when I met Ben a long time ago. She's in love." Glacia told her smiling like a kid in a candy shop.

"How would we know for sure?"

"We'll find out soon. I can feel it."

* * * *

"Ben, out of all people! OUT OF ALL PEOPLE! YOU CHOOSE SCARLET. YOU CHOOSE HER TO SHIP ME WITH?!" He yelled as he chased the short blonde around the woods.

"Well you guys have a lot in common! I can't help it!" He replied as he ran for his life.

"Ha! You wish!" Jeff said as he grabbed Ben by the collar and lifted him in the air.

"Gah.!" Ben said struggling as the collar of his tunic pressed against his neck. Jeff dropped him but grabbed his arm immediately.

"In common? IN COMMON? WE DON'T HAVE ANYTHING IN COMMON!" He started yelling at him again.

"Guess again." Ben said.

"I'm so done. You're acting like a fangirl." Jeff sighed and let him go and started walking away.

"Don't keep denying who you are and what you feel! I'm not buying it!" Ben shouted to him and ran off deeper into the forest.

* * * *

"Just get off my case already," Scarlet and Jeff muttered.


I'm on mobile. Hopefully this is 1000 words like I planned.

Like I said: first one to guess what song I got the quotes from receives a dedications.

Next chapter is the tournament so be prepared for some butt kicking and a little surprised planned.

If you haven't



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