Chapter Seventeen: Partners and Suspecions

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eyyyy it's been a while. Thanls for 3K reads! Can we get 200 votes before 4K? .3. It would mean a lot! Let's begin~

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"Well they were nice. GLACY WANNA BE PARTNERS?" Harmony yelled before skipping out of the gymnasium/sparring room.

"Scarlet, wanna be my partner?" Sally asked pulling on the cyborg's shirt to get her attention.

"Huh? Oh yeah, sure Sal!" Scarlet said kneeling down and ruffling her hair.

"Hey Jeffeh, partners?" Ben asked poking Jeff.

"If I say yes will you leave me alone?" Jeff replied annoyed



* * * * *

"Harmony, I'm going out to get groceries!" Scarlet called out for her sister and walked out of their house.

Yes, they lived as if they were a normal family. Scarlet would disguise herself as how she looked before the accident that changed her life, and they would go by they're real names. They would tell everyone that their parents are deceased, and Scarlet would lie and tell them that she was eighteen. One year older than what she normally is.

"BRING BACK ACTUAL FOOD. NO VEGGIES." Harmony yelled back laughing. Scarlet rolled her eyes and continued her walk to the store. Money wasn't an issue, their parents were investors.

When they died they left their fortune in their will. Scarlet and Harmony would inherit their company. Simple right?


The feeling of their parents gone shook them harder than everyone thought. All gone because of stupid humanity and their alcohol.

People like that would be better off dead than ruining people's lives like that. So they took it up.

Of course they do research about the person before killing them, so they aren't COMPLETE monsters.

They're just doing you all favors~

"Hey Hope! How's your sister doing?" The grocer greeted her as she entered the shop.

"Fine thank you. Have you stopped drinking yet?" She asked as she walked to get the things she needed. Mostly fruits and veggies to peeve her sister off.

"Yup. It's been hard but I've done it." He admitted scratching the back of your head.

"Well it's for the best."

"Yeah, it would've ended badly sooner or later." He agreed.

"You have no idea..." Scarlet muttered as she finished her shopping and paid for her things. "Goodbye!" She said leaving and started walking back home.

She felt someone's presence not too far away so she walked a bit faster.

"Lady can you help me?" A strange voice called out behind her. She pretended that she didn't hear them and kept walking. Never listen to strangers when it's dark out.

The stranger grabbed her and pushed her towards a wall, "You should listen the first time girly." He said.

Scarlet struggled in his grip, seeing the familiar white hood over his eyes did it.

"JEFF, LET ME GO!" She yelled kicking him in the 'nono' zone.

"S-scar..." He groaned falling onto his knees.

"Yes. It's me." She said standing over him smirking.

"Ughh..." He groaned as she helped him up. "You idiot! I could've killed you!" He scolded at her.

"You didn't though." She replied crossing her arms against her chest.

"No, if I mistook you for someone else, other killers will!"

"I can take care of myself! Why should you care anyways?" Scarlet said irritated of his constant nagging. 

"Just....shut up, and THINK next time or you'll get hurt." He said before running off with his knife leaving the girl bewildered and confused.


*cough* Ishipitlikefedexandups *cough* 

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~Fatima the llama

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