Chapter Ten: Another Strange Person.

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  • Dedicated to Afnan~ Love you girl! <3

3rd Person .

Scarlet and Harmony walked back home through the forest, not noticing that Ben and Jeff were walking in the same direction as them. No, they weren't stalking them, it was just a simple coincidence.

"Slow down!" A girl called getting pulled by her dog.

Her hair was jet black and she wore dark glasses, her hair was tied up into a ponytail but it still reached her waist. Her blue hoodie matched her jeans, but she was wearing flipflops.

"Should we kill her?" Harmony whispered to Scarlet as they watched the poor girl get dragged by her dog.

"Hi there!" The strange girl greeted to them, shock ran through them.

She wasn't afraid

She wasn't afraid of murderers

"Hey Ben!" She greeted him also.

"Hey, Glacia! Haven't seen you around!" He greeted back his voice showed he was pleased but he didn't smile.

"Why are you wearing sunglasses? It's dark out." Harmony asked earning a nudge from Ben.

'Don't!' He mouthed but it had already been said.

Glacia took off her glasses to reveal her gray eyes but they were glazed with white.

She was blind.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Harmony quickly apologized.

"You mean the...? Oh its fine! I mean, it sucks not getting to see what you guys look like, but other than that it's fine!" Glacia replied smiling.

"Would you mind telling me how you and Ben know each other?" Scarlet asked still examining the girl.

"I don't mind at all, Ben do you?" She asked smiling.

"Not at all, this is my girlfriend." He said taking her hand, he was a bit taller than her, just a couple of inches.

"He got so lucky she's blind." Jeff remarked seeing Ben's face grow red with anger.

"You're just jealous I got a girlfriend before you." He shot back.

"Aha, I could get one if I wanted too."

They continued to argue like the two idiots they were.

"Heh, how do you think Ben looks like? If you want we can describe him to you." Harmony said taking Glacia's dog's leash and tying it to her wrist so that she doesn't lose her dog.

"Nah it's fine. I think he's a bit on the funsized side, he probably plays video games a lot because I always hear a nintendo bounce around in his pocket, he told me that he's blonde and that he wears green all the time. That's all I know, I could care less about how he looks though." She answered shrugging and continued to walk.

"Well it's rare to find a girl that thinks like you, Glacia!" Harmony said smiling before tripping and scrapping her knee on a rock.

"Are you okay?" Scarlet asked helping her sister up.

"I'm fine, no biggie." Harmony answered brushing off the dust.

"What time is it exactly?" Glacia asked tilting her head.

"About three o'clock in the morning." Jeff answered and shrugged like it was no biggie.

"Three?! Buster, run home now!" She told her dog and she ran towards home.

"Bye guys!"

"Byee...." The two sisters said gawking at the strange girl's accuracy.

* * * * * *

Glacia stumbled back home with her dog and along the way her dog started to growl.

"What? What is it, boy?" She asked petting him.

"Oh he's just afraid of me." Zalgo said appearing from the shadows.

"Who are you? And what do you want?" Glacia asked calmly.

"I'm here to make you a deal, I nice one at that." The demon said his back against a tree.

"Let's hear it." She said with no expression in her voice.

"I know your secrets, Glacia. If you agree to get someone for me, then you get to get your sight back and then you're off the deal." He said as if he was offering he a piece of candy.

"Then tell me one of them." She replied without hesitation.

"You accidentally poisoned yourself as a child, causing you to be blind. Th-" Glacia cut him off

"Enough! No one will get hurt right?" She asked her final question.

"I promise, not a single atom on anyone's bodies will be hurt." He promised before stretching out his hand.

"Do we have a deal?" Zalgo asked.

And with that, Glacia took his hand and and shook it.



Ah the precious and beautiful~

If you haven't






~Fatima the llama

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