Chapter Twenty-five: "Let's play a game..." ((No saw plz))

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"I'll be right back. Sit tight, or I'll kill you." Zalgo threatened before running to who knows where.

"Like I'd listen to you." Harmony mumbled under her breath as she squirmed under the tight rope. "You had to tie up my legs, arms, and body to a tree? Gee thanks meanie." She huffed as she squirmed even more.


* *

"Did you do anything yet?" Scarlet asked Woof as she typed furiously onto her keyboard.

"How many times are you going to ask me that?! NO! I HAVEN'T FOUND HER YET. NOW LEAVE ME ALONE!" Woof yelled at her before going back to her keyboard.

"All you can do is hold your horses Hun, just let us work our magic." Mason...I guess...told her as he looked through recent news and databases.

Scarlet glared at him and continued walking around the old underground cellar.

"Some people could live's deep enough so nothing could be heard from the outside, and it can fit a family or something." She mumbled as she looked at the structure.

"If you just hook up wires here and here, then set up some computers, then everything is perfect." Ben mumbled to himself.

"What are you doing?" Scarlet asked tapping his head.

"I'm figuring out a way to make this place high tech and modern." He replied looking around in curiosity.

"Why would you do that?" Scarlet asked making him turn around and look at her in disbelief.

"Aren't you suppose to be the smart one?"

"Aren't you suppose to be dead?"

"Touché. Anyways, this could be a place where everyone like us could erase all existence of everyone they kill. It would be much easier to avoid cops and let us hide in the shadows. After we find Harmony and Glacia I say we fix this place up." Ben explained rather bluntly.

"You seem to be calm in this situation..." Scarlet trailed off looking at Ben's expressionless expression.

"I trust Glacia to fight Zalgo, and I trust Harmony to keep Glacia from doing anything stupid." He replied before walking off to a different room.

"Now now...already talking about that stupid girl?" Zalgo asked appearing behind Scarlet.

"Why you little-give Glacia and Harmony back!" She shouted at him before charging at the demon who jumped over her with ease.

"Well this fragile body is good for one thing. She's flexible." He commented before snapping his attention back to Scarlet, "If you want Harmony and that pesky Glacia back then we'll play a little game of hide and seak..."

"What are you? A six year old or a demon?" Scarlet yelled at him in anger before running at Zalgo again, but she missed again.

"Listen up! Last chance! If you find us where the sky and ocean meet then there's a good chance you'll get your precious people back. Understood?" He/She said grinning.

"SCARLET!" Jeff yelled running into the room. "WHY YOU-GET AWAY FROM HER!"

"Where the sky and ocean meet, tomorrow at noon or else your sister dies. Until then...ciao!" 'He' said before disappearing out of sight.

"What the hell! You didn't call me when she-"


"Whatever, when he came?! What if he got you too, idiot! You're so stupid!" He yelled at her; clenching his fists in anger.

"I can take care of myself! I'm not some damsel in distress, tough guy." Scarlet scoffed rolling her eyes at his behavior.

"I'm making sure you won't end up like one because I don't want to go and have to end up saving you!"

"Okay okay fine..."

"What did he tell you anyways?" Jeff asked changing the topic.

"Call Ben, Woof, and Mason because this needs to be explained once and only once and it's important."


Thanks for 300 votes! :D

Honestly I've been updating on mobile so sorry if it's short ;-;

If you haven't



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|Fatima the llama|

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