Chapter Twelve: Surprising Turnouts

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6/14/14: IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT THIS BOOK!!!: I edited some things in "Another Strange Person,"'re going to have to re-read it. I'M SORRY BUT THIS WILL BE LESS CLECHÈ NOW! :D

* * * * *UNEDITED* * * * *

"Ben and Glacia come here."

* * * * *

They obeyed with confusion filling Ben's eyes.

"Due to your 'relationship' as one may say, you make a better team." Slenderman said raising a single tendril behind them. Sally's eyes widened, she had a feeling where this was going. He surely wouldn't kill off his students for an example right?

"Never underestimate anyone!" His voice rang through her head. The tenedril rose like a cobra and then struck down.

It all happened so fast, Glacia whipped around and rose her hand; immediately making an ice dome around Ben and her. As the tendril hit the dome and shattered it to pieces; Ben and Glacia unharmed. This happened in mere minute.

"Now you see why you don't underestimate anyone, you do not know what they can or cannot do." He said turning to everyone while Glacia looked a bit...tired.

"Just..need to catch breath." She mumbled leaning onto Ben, no one else heard as to they were still gawking at the shattered ice.

"How did you..?" Scarlet's voice came out as a mumble from shock, this is impossible!

"That's enough today, goodbye." He ended the class with that and everyone left for their homes.

* * * * *

Scarlet caught up with Glacia while walking through the forest. "Glacia, I need to ask you a question." She spoke without hesitation. Glacia sat down and motioned her to have a seat next to her.

"You want to know how I did that. Don't you?" She replied with a shy smile.

"Yes! How did you know?" Scarlet asked surprised.

"They say that when you lose one of your senses, you strengthen another. I can't see, but I can hear better." Glacia said as Scarlet sat next to her.

"So...when I was a little girl I loved to experiment, I loved everything to do with science. As I grew up I got more and more chances to actually do experiments!" She giggled and sighed before continuing.

"When I turned thirteen I decided to try and experiment with liquid nitrogen. I debated with my parents for a while, and they agreed to let me do it at a local science center WITH a chaperone. Good enough for me. While I was working and experimenting a girl thought it would be funny if she snuck up on me and scared me, she did and I dropped the solution that I placed in a shot to try and freeze the core of an object." She shivered before continuing, 

"We all laughed and started cleaning up the mess, but while I was picking up the needle the same girl bumped into me and caused me to fall on the needle which still had some nitrogen on it." 

"Is that how you died?" Scarlet interrupted. 

Liquid nitrogen doesn't belong in your bodies in any state of matter kids. 

 "No, I was slowly dying from the inside out. The nitrogen was placed into my vains and was changing states often, mixing with other atoms in my body. All the hospitals could do was give me medicine to keep my temperature up so I don't die from hypothermia. My parents DID care, they pitied me, but I didn't want that. It felt weird waiting for death to come." 

"So the nitrogen caused you to have ice powers?" Scarlet asked the stupidest question in all of history.

Let's clap for her for being stupid!

"No, ice powers? That's stupid. I don't have any, it's just...another way of getting rid of nitrogen. When it's all gone I have no idea what will happen. I have a feeling my body will react very badly to the quick change." Glacia admitted.

"That makes sense..."

"Also, I don't know if I died or not. I was in an avalanche, on a class field trip for the disabled. Wasn't a good idea to go snowboarding in the middle of the night with a girl, she pushed me down and an avalanche started then. I honestly don't remember much after that." Glacia finished and got up and continued walking home.

"What about your parents?" Scarlet asked making Glacia stop in her tracks.

"You ask too many questions."



Oooooooo DAMN

You guys crushed my Goal of 50 votes! Thank you so so much!

Is it possible that we could reach....over 100? ~(o-o)~

Why do YOU think Glacia doesn't answer that question?

What do YOU think will happen once all the nitrogen leaves her body?




If you haven't




and don't forget to vote! c;

See you guys later!

~Fatima the asking llama

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