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I got home. Opened the door, just to hear loud ass moaning and the word "Daddy" several times. It's not rocket science to figure out who it is. *sigh*

My mom is either with Tyrone, Charles, Jayden, Richard, Micheal, Roger,  Dontae or Chris because those are the guys she call "daddy".

After a whole hour, they came from upstairs kissing each other like life depend on it. His face don't look familiar, cause it wasn't. It was another new nigga.

"Who that?" He asked, they both looked at me.

"Tanya meet Trey, Trey meet Tanya, my younger sister."My mother said, rolling her eyes at me.

"Sup?"He said.

"Boolin' "I said. 

They walked to the door. He left. I never felt some type of way when my mother introduce me as her sister because I'm used to it. When I confront her about she would beat the shit outta my big ass but I love her still.

"What I tell you about coming home early!!!" My mom yelled at me.

She walk over to me on the couch.

"I have no where else to go Mom" I said.

SMACK...."Don't call me mom and make friends stay at their houses bitch!!" 

I held my face, I wanted to cry but I couldn't, she would hit more with any object near by and I can't hit her cause...she's my mother, I have too much respect for her position in the house to even do that.

"Yes ma'am" I said, still holding my face.

"Get the fuck outta my face big bitch, SCRAM!!!"

I ran to my room, flopped on my bed, face down in my pillow, crying so she wouldn't hear me.

8 p.m.

Already took a shower, I put on my laced boy short and a over sized shirt of my father's. I laid down on my back, on my phone texting Michelle.

MyGirlMichelle😍: Wassup BISHHHH!!!

BBWTanya🍑: Good, chillin' BISHHHH!!!

MyGirlMichelle😍: So did you do  Ms. Johnson's  hw?

BBWTanya🍑: Yupp, been wbu?

MyGirlMichelle😍: Hell nawl, doing it now though

BBWTanya🍑: Well, Imma leave you to it, about to k.o.....Gnight honeybun.

MyGirlMichelle😍:  Ight, gnight Peaches and Cream lol.

Before I went to sleep I thought of what Michelle said at the lockers. And start to question myself. Is she right?Should I get a boyfriend and escape the wrath of this lady?But Is there anybody out there willing to date a plus sized girl? Do I even need a boyfriend?

Life is hard, being plus size. All the skinny girl cuffing all the guys. Tanya thought

"Well, I'm out". Tanya said, going to sleep.

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