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Quincy Pov

We're done moving, oh let me fill you in, I bought a fully furnished house- 2 bed & 2 bath and 1 big ass living room, 1 big ass kitchen, and big ass walk-closet separated and there's this huge master bedroom for Tanya and I, just for us. Tanya didn't want me to, she thought the apartment was fine but I thought it was getting to small for us. Now, we both have our own parking spot instead of her parking behind me at that apartment. Eventually she agreed and now we're done moving. It's 9 p.m., we were both done with showering and then with homework. Now we were chilling in bed, enjoying each other company. After a few hours goofing around, we cuddled then fell asleep.

9 a.m.

I woke up, Tanya's in a deep, peaceful sleep, I took a shower got out and got dress. I put on a Nike Alumni Short, white Nike shirt with a few gold chains and a gold Nike Huarache. Lotioned up and sprayed my cologne, grabbed my fully charged phone and headed downstairs to kitchen to get something to eat.

I got there and stopped, surprised. Breakfast was done, eggs, bacon and toast with orange juice on the side, a card was next to it saying, Enjoy. It was still warm, so I sat down to enjoy it. As I was eating, I checked my notifications on my phone. I saw Tanya sent me a text since 1 a.m. It said,

You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. You're my lover and my bestfriend and each day that goes by it seems like I find something new to love about you :) It's crazy how one person can make such a huge difference in my life. You have given me sooo much reason to smile, I've never been so happy Quincy. I love you soo much, God knows I do. Just to say I love you, never seem enough. How can so much feeling fit into only  those three words, but until I find some other way of saying what I feel "I love you" will have to do for now lol. I hope you slept well and I hope you wake up to this and it puts a smile on you beautiful face. Have an amazing day cheri.

That made my day. I thought. I ran upstairs to her, she was still sleeping. I kissed her cheek softly and left.

On the way to my parents house, I couldn't stop thinking about Tanya and smiling. I pulled up at my folks house. Knocked on the door, my father opened and let me in.

"What's good, son? You're happier than ever." He said while dapping me up.

"Yeah, you been smiling since the last time I seen you. What's keeping a smile on my son's face?" my mom said coming from the kitchen.

"It's-" I cut off by them.

"Tanya." they said in union

"Yes, she's the reason why I can't keep a smile off my face."

"Aww, that's cute. Well, where is she?" my mom asked.

"I left her fine ass sleeping."

"Aye, watching your fucking mouth." my mom said.

"Alright, we have business to take care of but your mom and I want to talk to you about something important and beneficial for you, Quincy."

"What is it, pops?" I asked while we sat down at the dining table.

"Quincy, I know you've been going against this but we really do think you need a partner in the business, honey." my mom exclaimed.

"But mama, I got this. You know I got this."

"I do but we have traitors, and we don't know who and when they are going to change into one so, I want you to have someone watching your back."

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