Parents 2

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Next Day

Tanya Pov

It was the next day meet his parents. I was hella nervous, I just hope them like me and don't look at me different. Like I'm only with Quincy for his wealth when I'm not. I was already dressed, I had on Skinny Leg Jeans, Black Pineapple Print Drop Shoulder T-Shirt with an Anorak Jacket and Timbs, my hair was in a neat bun and some silver stud earring; sprayed on some Minajesty Perfume by Nicki Minaj I recently fell in love with, grabbed my phone and went downstairs to meet up with Quin.

Quincy Pov

I was downstairs waiting on my babygirl. I was already dressed in Adidas Trackpants, white Thrasher shirt, Yeezy 350 Boost V2 and a few gold chains; smelling extra good with a Polo cologne. I heard Tish coming down, looking super fine. I was just smiling at how happy she was

"You ready?"

"I bit nervous but yeah?" She said in a trembling voice.

"You gon' be fine just remember, be yourself bae." I kissed her and we left for my parents' house.

Tanya Pov

We got to the car, he open the door and I got in. We were on our way during the ride, we played fight, had funny conversations, stupid conversations and freaky conversations. Thirty minutes later, we pulled up to this big ass mansion that was isolated in the woods. Quincy opened his pressed a button to speak, we heard shouting in Haitian Creole then Quin said something Creole then the huge silver gate opened wide. He rode in, by the 6- garbage doors.

"Wooooowww Quincy, this crazy huge." I said looking up and around.

"I know and it's them two living in there, I told it was too much." he said laughing.

We walked up to the double door wenge, he rang the doorbell. We hearded creole shouting then a beautiful, lighskin, a bit tall, slender women opened the door then a tall ass man, brownskin, handsome man came behind her and then she said.

"Bonjour Q and companion entre sil vous plait." she said with a smile, moving to the side letting us in.

"Bonjour mama, wassup pops." Quincy said giving his mom a kiss on the cheeks and giving his dad the most loudest and longest handshake.

"Aint nun, son just business is booming and no where near dull mannn." his dad said.

"Well lets sit down and start with introductions." his mom said. We all sat down in the unnecessarily enormous living and got comfortable in front of his parents.

"So mother and father, this is Tanya Tish Campbell, my beautiful first new girlfriend." I turned to him and secretly mugged him, he laughed. His parent look at each other in shock.

"Your girlfriend?!" his mother asked

"Yeah, mom...aint she just adorable." He pinched my cheek and I mugged him even more, he laughed.

His mom ran over to me hugging me while I was sitting, his dad did the same. I shocked at that reaction, they were welcoming me.

"Well I'm Kim Brown and this is my husband of 6 years, his name is Sean Brown." his mother said.

"It's a pleasure meeting you." I said with a big happy smile. She grabbed my hand and pulled me saying.

"Girl, come on with me, we got a lot to talk about. We got to the spacious kitchen.

Kim Pov

I wanted to get to know her more and see if she can be trusted. 

'"This is a wonderful house you got Ms. Brown." she said looking around.

"Thank you darling, lots of hard work to get it"

"How old are you, sweetheart and where you met my son?" I asked pouring glasses of juices and passing her one.

"Ms.Brown, I'm 17 and I met Quincy in school, he actually introduced himself to me because I thought I had no chances with him and now look at us" she said

"Okay,You guys look in love but be completely honest with me right now. Did my son tell you me and my husband's profession?"

"Yes ma'am, he did but I will never let anyone know, I swear." she said

"Can you be trusted?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Always remember action speaks louder than words, sweetie." I said.

She took a bible, she placed my hand in it and I swear again.

"Okay, now if this secret slipped from your mouth, we're gonna have to kill you and everybody who heard it from you."

"I understand." she said honestly.

"So now you understand how we got all this?"

"Yup, can I get a tour." she asked

"Yes, of course.

After the tour, we all had lunch and talked more. 2 hour later, Quincy and Tanya left.

"Sean, she knows. Quincy told her." I said to him.

"Well if Q trust her, we have to too. If it slips from her mouth, we have no choice. Agreed?"

"Agreed" I said.

Quincy Pov

"You did great, you weren't quiet or shy. You were yourself" I smiled at her.

"Yeah I kept your advice and it worked."

"So what did you and my mom talk about in the kitchen?"

"We had a girl talk, then she asked me how we met and I told her, then she asked me if you told me their profession."

"And you said?"

"I told her yeah I knew, I had to be honest....don't be mad at me Quin." she said

"I'm not, thanks for being honest to mother, she likes that." I kissed her cheek at a red light.

"They're so sweet, Quincy."

"They are but when it comes to their trust, honesty and money...they take that very serious.  When it comes to untrustworthy, un-loyal, un-honest, fake people they won't hesitate to bust a cap in yo ass or bury you alive.

"And you're just a bystander?" she asked

"I am now but soon I'm inheriting my parents' business and continue what they do, with you by my side, agreed?" I said copying my dad and she caught on fast, she definitely staying next to me.

"Agreed"she said.

"Good" and the day continued with me spoiling her and keeping a smile on her face cause she ma lil baby who gon' listen.

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