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I said bye and thank you to him. Headed inside, unlocked door. Entered the awfully quiet house, in the living room lights, t.v., lamps were all off.

I went upstairs, my moms door was cracked a little open. I heard the noises of coughing, sniffing and gagging, when I peeped in, what I saw was unbelievable. My mom and Roger in the front of a table filled with chopped up powder on it and rolled up dollar bills in their hands.

My mom caught me peeping and ran after me into my room. She put me in the corner and beat me with a hanger like life depend on it. Yelling, why did I come from school early.

When she was done with her deed, she spat on me and left me there crying. I took my jacket, extra laced boy shorts, keys, phone, charger and 10 dollars from her purse and left the house, it was dark outside and I was still in the dress. I was scared.

I put on my jacket and put the hoodie over my head, I walked a few minute away for home. As I was walking, a headlight of a car was flashing at me, It was a Mercedes.....Quincy's Mercedes. oh God did he wait on me.

He pulled," Where you heading?" He asked.

"Ummm no where, actually." I said with a sadden voice.

He got out and came to me. He push against the car, lifted my chin up and look at my tearful face and eyes. He felt sympathy for me.

"Come on, we'll talk about this later." He opened the door, I entered and buckled up, he adjust the chair for me, making it lean back more. Then he said, "Relax beautiful." I blushed. He entered.

"Wanna go back to your-"

"NOOO please no, I can't go back there" I said.

"Ok..Ok I'll take you to my place"

"Your place?"I asked.

"Yeah...I recently got my own condo."

"oh woow, your must be rich." I joked

"Yeah not really" He said.

"Anyways." I joked.

He drove off, half an hour later, we pulled up to this luxury apartment complex.

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