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The 8-story-building was beautiful. We went to the elevator, entered, he pressed number 7, making the elevator go up. We stood there in awkward but comfortable silence. We walked to an apartment door with a number 705 on it. He opened the door then said, "Ladies first", letting me in.

His apartment was spacious, by the looks of it, he had style. The living room was all white with black and white leather, white lamps, black dining table to white chairs and white walls to black window frames. Breath taking. The kitchen had silver kitchen appliances. It was like 75 degrees in here.

"Jesus Christ" I said. 

"What?" He asked.

"This all you?"

"Yeah, of course. You like it?" He asked with a smile.

"I love it. This is breathtaking. You got style." I said honest.

"Mom helped out a bit." He smiled, lord his smile is just.....uhhhh.

He walked upstairs and he asked me to follow, I did as told. He showed me his room and the guest, where I was going to sleep. The room already had everything I needed such as blankets, pillows, extra toothbrush etc. It was like a 'hotel treatment.'

"Well, here you go." He said.

"What about my clothes though."

"You didn't wanna go back, remember." He said.

"True, can we go back tomorrow, because Saturdays my mom isn't there for the whole day." I asked.

"Alright, hold up." He left to his room, then came back with a shirt and shorts.

"Get situated, then come downstairs and talk to me." He said.

"Okay" He turned to his room and I did the same.

I took off my hoodie and dress and got in the shower. A few minutes I was done. I put on the extra laced boy shorts and the clothes he gave me.

"Fuck" I whispered

The shorts he gave me fits but showed all this ass and my enormous thighs. The shirt fit perfectly, thank God I didn't have a huge stomach.

I walked downstairs and peeped to see if he was there and he was, already freshened up. He saw me peeping and said.

"What's wrong?"

"Um I'm a bit indecent." I said honest.

"Whatchu mean, this my place, get down here." He said.

I came down, slowly, quietly and nervous cause I didn't have much self-confidence.

Quincy Pov

DAYUMM!!! She finer than a, words can't describe. I thought

I always loved thick girls, cause they're different in some way. She had a flat stomach, big booty, her thighs...I just wanted to touch and feel on 'em and that perfect arch in her back. Lord, have mercy.

" See, you're not bad." I said to her, secretly biting my lips.

She sat down, a bit further from me. She sat up with a strong posture that was visible. I'll try to relax her.

"Relax, get comfortable, beautiful." She relaxed a little bit and she was silence not looking at me. I can see that she was nervous. Then I broke the silence.

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