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Tanya Pov

It's May, a couple weeks before our summer. After the summer Quin, Me, Michelle and Ace were all going be seniors. I'm about to be 18, Quin about to be 19 and Michelle is already 18 and Ace just turned 19. Quin and I are waiting for our birthdays.

I'm home right now. Quincy went to run some errands for his parents and is getting some food. Meanwhile, to keep me busy; I texted my crackhead bestfriend Michelle.

BBWTanya🍑: Girl, Quin and I have been soo good and even more close.

MyGirlMichelle😍: I'm happy for you. I never seen you so happy. What else happened?

BBWTanya🍑: I met his parents.

MyGirlMichelle😍: WHAT!?! It must've been nerve wrecking!!

BBWTanya🍑: You think!! but his parents are soo sweet. Straight relationship goals. I was nervous as fuck though.

MyGirlMichelle😍: I can imagine.

BBWTanya🍑: So what about you and Ace, how yall been?

MyGirlMichelle😍: The sex get better every time, other than that we're perfect. 

BBWTanya🍑: Ok Michelle TMI !! n that's good girlll. Well, I haven't seen or heard from my mom. I'm gon' check on her. Text you later.

MyGirlMichelle😍: Ight love

I searched through my contact for my aunt on my father's side. She been my support since he died. We grew apart but I still call her once in awhile. Her name is Miriam Campbell, 35, still not married. She was close to my mother before here downfall. I saw her name and pressed it. It rang twice then she picked up.

"Hey Auntie Miriam." I said.

"Hey how are you sweetie?'

"I'm doing great, how about you?"

"I'm not complaining, honey. So what's up, there should be a reason for this unexpected call."

"Yeah there is, I was just calling to ask have you seen or heard from my mother?" I asked

"ooh sweetie haven't you heard? I didn't want to be the one to give you this sad news and ruin your day."

"Heard what, you're scaring me Aunt Miriam." I said.

"Two weeks ago, she overdosed-"

"What!!??When!!? I mean....oh God!!! My eyes got teary.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart." she said in a soft voice.

"It's okay, thank you Auntie. I'll call you back."

"Okay, call me anytime." I hung up.

I just wanted to crawl in a hole a die. The person who brought me to this earth left this earth.

Quincy Pov

I got home. It was cold and quiet usually before I open the door, she opens it and attack me with so much kisses, that didn't happen. Tish always brought joy to the end of my day of 'errands'. It felt as if she was even here. I walked up to the room, I heard the shower running.

I walked in the steamy bathroom when I opened the shower door; the sight that greeted me, broke a nigga heart. She was on the shower floor, in her clothes with the hot water falling on her, crying out loud.

"Oh my God." I whispered. I threw my bags on the floor and took my shoes off. I went back, turned off the shower and picked up my wet girlfriend bridal style with her arms around my neck. I sat her on the bed, took all her clothes off, put them in an empty hamper. I went back and dried her and her hair then I put on dry, clean clothes on her and put her hair in a messy bun. I stepped back and looked at her face. She had the most saddest look on her face but she was trying to hide it with a smile. I took her hand, we went downstairs. I sat her on the couch.

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