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Quincy Pov

We drove to the second warehouse in Atlanta. We got there Tanya didn't look nervous at all, it's like she been in this kind of work before. I stopped the car in front of the warehouse and asked her.

"Wait, have you done this kind of work before cause you don't look any kind of nervous."

"Nahh, I'm good." she said.

"A'ight let's go"

We got in. We checked all 10 vaults to see that everything's in place and they was, then we heard yelling of a girl. We went up, one of the security was holding a girl.

"We have us a "rat", Boss." He said, while taking cash out of her bra and shower cap.

"You know how many people tried this and never succeed. Bring her to the outskirts."

The  security guard took her out to the van. Tanya and I followed the van. We reached to the outskirts of ATL, where there's no one just empty and quiet. The guard stood her in the grass somewhere and went back to the warehouse.

"Well, today's your last day here on earth, any last words?"

"Fuck you and your fat ass girl-" 

POW POW.... two headshots at the girl from Tanya behind me. Tanya had gloves on to cover her prints, she walked to the corpse and placed the gun in the hands to make it look like a suicide. She walked back to the car like nothing happened, she stood at the door. I walked towards her, pressed my body against hers.

"I'm so turned on, right now."

"We gon' handle that at home, come on." We smirk at each other then I opened the door for her.

7 p.m. 

We got home after a long day. We went and took a shower together. After like an hour and half, we got out and got dressed then went downstairs.

"Tanya, there's a few rules for us leaders too."

"Lay them out." she said with a smile.

"1. Don't bring carry or deliver the 'packages' in your car, we have workers for that, 2. Don't ever carry large amounts of money on you, only on cards because police find that real suspicious, 3. No matter what don't rat this business out. Understand?"

"I understand." she said.

"Now, let's go upstairs so you can take care of me because that boss move you pulled off today got a nigga yearning fa' you." I leaned back and showed her how hard I was.

She took hand and led me to the room. She pushed on the bed, taking off my gym shorts. She got on her knees, without a warning she took me into warm her mouth. I threw my head back in pleasure then she sped up. I tried to push her head back away from me but she wasn't in for it. I felt the veins in my dick harden then I immediately release. She got up wiping the sides of her mouth and went in the bathroom. 

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