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Tanya Pov

Summer's over and we're back behind desks, listening to lectures, turning in works and etc. Bluford High been a bit quiet lately. The cafeteria is no longer separated, Ace and Michelle had little ups and downs cause you know they're like that crazy couple. Quin and I is like Bonnie & Clyde and Ace and Michelle is like Marvin & Blanche, we're like our own gang. Right now, we are all in lunch  but we're not eating because we heard sneezing behind there and can't leave school campus; new rules.

"So guys September 10, we're having Senior Ditch Day, are we partaking?" Ace asked everyone.

"You mean that 'Love Don't Cost A Thing' shit?"

"Yeah." Michelle said

"I mean it's gon' be on a Friday, a pool at RichGirlBrenna and all seniors gon' be there. Why should we be the only seniors at school?" Ace said.

"Good point, I'm down." Quin said

"Come guys, all of us at this table here knows RichGirlBrenna and I don't get along very well."

"Girl, put that aside this is our last year in hell. Let's have little fun." Michelle said.

I looked at Quin, he was doing that 'puppy eyes' shit."Ok...Okk, fine. I wanna go" I said, they cheered then the bell rang for the last period of the day. Quincy and Ace walked to their Chemistry class, they have together.

I walk to my English 4 class before I can enter, I saw Quincy running- full speed- to me.

"Whats wrong?"I asked, concerned.

He held both side of my face and gave me a deep, long meaningful kiss then pulled away.

"I love you." he said then ran off to class.

"I love you more." I whispered, smiling then going into the class. Taking my seat, I thought

Thank you God for sending him to me. It was hard looking for the needle in the hay and now I finally found it, all thanks to you.

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