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Quincy Pov

It's  actually great having a partner to work with and who you love. I haven't told my parents who my new partner is yet but I will eventually.

It's Wednesday. Wednesdays are family meetings days. It's 2:40, Tanya and I are coming from Bluford. She's in her car and am in mine. We decided to head at their house to show/discuss my partner.

We arrived around 3 p.m. I entered the gate code and waited for it to open. Tanya was right behind me, we entered and parked. I got out of my car and went to Tanya.

"Look babe. Wait in the car, I want it to be a surprised for them finding who my partner is."

"Alright, I'll wait." she said, getting back in the car.

"I'll come back and get you." I kissed her. 


I walked up to the door and knocked, my mom opened on the second knock.

"Bonsoir, Quin" she said

"Bonsoir, mama koman ou ye?"

"I'm doing fine, honey come in." she let me in.

"Where pops at?"

"He's in the dining room with the reports. Come on, let's go to him."

We went to my dad. He was at the end of the table with his face in his hands looking stressed and papers were in front of him.

"What's good pops?"

"Everything." he said looking up, my mom and I sat down.

"But why the stressed look?"

"I am not stressed." he said

"what is it then?"

"I'm just thankful for your partner. He have been doing a great job at Warehouse 2. Everything there is well organized. Our profits went up 45% and one more thing, he found so many 'rats' in two weeks down there. Did you gave him control there?" he asked.

"Yes, I did." I was happy of all those great thing he said about how beneficial my girlfriend is to the business.

"Does he know that meetings are today?" my mom asked.

"Yeah, my partner's outside. Let me go summon my partner." I got up and went outside to Tanya.

"Come on." I held her waist as we walked in the dining. I saw the shock look on my parents face.

"TANYA?!?!" they semi-yelled in union.

"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Brown." she said with a bright smile that was contagious.

"Mother and Father, this is my partner."

"But you said Ace- " my mom said.

"Yeah, I lied. I trust Tanya more than Ace."

My dad got up and went to Tanya and gave her a big fatherly hug.

"Thank you, we desperately needed your kind of help." he said in her ear.

"Not a problem." she said back.

"Now, honey bun come sit next to yo mama." my mom said to Tanya.

"More like pink starburst." I said


"That's exactly what she taste like." I winked at Tanya.

"Ma nigga" my dad said fist bumping me. Tanya eyed me then looked at my mom in embarrassment.

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