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Quincy Pov

I saw how nervous she got but I really want her to. I never brought a girl to my parents, want her to be the first. I know I never told I love her but I want that moment to be special, memorable and totally unforgettable.

She let go of my chin then took a step back, not saying anything. She had this afraid look in her face.

"I know you're nervous but I'm so comfortable with you, that I want you to be my first girl my parents meet." I said pleading, she still didn't say a word. "Talk to me Tanya."

She ran to me and gave me the tightest hug and said in my ear.

"I would be honored to be your first girlfriend that meets your parents but I'm so nervous, will your parents ever like me?" She asked. I pulled away and said.

"Just be yourself, and I'm sure they'll like love you." I said giving her a lingering kiss that I deepened a little more. She pulled away.

"When am I meeting them?"

"I told them, I'm coming tomorrow with a close companion." I said.

"Close companion?"

"Yeah, I want it to be a surprise for them." We smiled and went upstairs to get ready for the day.


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