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 Three days later... 

I was awoken up by the loud roaring of our cars' alarm. I got up and look out the window from upstairs. On my driveway's pavement, there was this message written in red paint saying, "Watch your back Qwincy".

"This gotta stop, once and for all." Tanya said behind me, looking at the mess.

"They spelled my name wrong, dumbasses" I laughed.

"You really worrying about your name being spelled right. I can't with you. I'm gon' call a landscaping company to clean that shit up."

"Ight, Tanya you realized I haven't ate in weeks."

"Boy, I cooked all week and I'm about to do breakfast." she said with attitude.

"I do mean that" I winked at her.

"I meannn if you want to.....HELL NAWLL!! You aint get nun 'till we get rid of this invincible rat, Quincy."

"Mann you're no fun."

"Fun makes us forget what we're currently dealing with." she said going in the bathroom.

"Whatever." I said following her.

One week later....

5 p.m.

It was Saturday. I was heading home. Tanya's car wasn't, I guess she's with Michelle shopping of course. I'm heading towards the door then a stranger came from the back, dressed all back and mask.

"Who are you, please go I have no candy and plus aren't you to grown to be trick or treating. ?" I said joking."It's not even October."

The person came closer taking the mask off and pulling out a Glock 17.

"Alissa, oh you think you bad now. It was you doing all that bullshit. By the way, My name is spelled Q-U-I-N-C-Y."

"You killed my sister." she said.

"Okay and?"

"You're gonna join her." she pushed me in the middle of the driveway.

"After you kill me, you think you gon' live a peaceful life?"

"Shut up, any last words?" she said.

I shook my head laughing. So naive. I thought.

"Suck my left nut." she pulled the trigger


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