Study Hall Introductions

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Tanya Pov

The day is coming to an end but there's the last period. The long, boring and too quiet period of the day, it's so uninteresting until he walked through the door going to the teacher showing the his schedule, making me know that he's in my study hall too. oh God

He came to the empty seat next to me, when he sat down I fell in love with his scent.

I started tapping my index fingernail against table, that's what I do when I'm nervous as hell. I tried so hard not to look but I glanced once, his black eyes caught my eyes. I smiled and quickly looked away. The class was so quiet the I could hear my own heart beat.

Lord, give me the strength to get through the day without fainting cause the affect he got on me.....lawd just help me please! I thought.

New Guy Pov

"Yes!! She's in my study hall" I whispered.

Should I make a move?Should I?What should I say?Will she talk back? I questioned myself.

After a while in class, students started talking. So I'm gonna talk to her as a friend and see where this goes, I'm going for it.

"Hey." I said, turned to her next to me.

"Oh hey." She said getting off her phone, giving me her attention.

"What your name, beautiful?"

She blushed. "I'm Tanya Campbell and you are?"

"I'm Quincy Brown, I'm new here" I extended my hand.

She shook my hand. "Of course, Welcome to Bluford, where you from?"

"I'm from Florida, moved here cause of my parents' jobs."

"Ok, are you liking it here in Atlanta?" She asked.

"I kinda miss home but I'm liking it here though."

Its the last 5 mins in class and I'm tryna get her number to get to know her more.

Ring Ring Ring..... the bell rung for dismissal

"Well, Quincy it's nice meeting you."

"Tanya can you do me a favor?" I asked.

"Of course"

"Can I get your number because i don't have much people to talk to?"

 She hesitated. "I don't think that a good idea Quincy."


"Our differences, you are "popular" and i'm "others". We're not even suppose to be talking right now.

"Fuck that, that shit is irrelevant!"

"Well, I don't think so."

She left the classroom, I just stood there.

Tanya Pov

 I left the classroom, left him standing. Showed him I'm not that easy. I remembered I had an assignment, I'm suppose to turn in before I leave school or it's a automatic F. I rushed to my 6th period, turned it in then ran to the bus circle, to see all the buses were gone. "Fuck!!" I yelled.

I started walking off school campus, I put on my head phones in listening to Privacy by Chris Breezy. Only for a 2017 Mercedes Benz E Class to pull up and ride slowly next to me. I ignored it and continued walking, then the person called my name. When I bent and look to see, it was him.....Quincy Brown.

"How may I help you?" I asked tryna sound irritated.

"Lemme give you a ride home." Quincy said.

"No, thank you...I'm close by."I tried to lie.

"You're a horrible lair" He smirked "Come on, it's not safe out there for a dime piece like you especially in that dress."

"But you're popular and i'm-", before I can finish, he quickly got out of the car and came to me. He open the passenger door and said.

"Enter, NOW" he semi-yelled.

Whoa. I thought. I entered, buckling up quickly. He enter his side, smirking.

"What's so funny?"I asked.

"Nothing, beautiful. Just give me your address sweetheart."

I gave it to him and said, "Can we stop with the beautifuls and sweethearts please?"

"Why, It fits your description, don't it?"

"Because it's quite flattering and no it does not"

"Trust me, It does." We rode in neutral silence, then got to my house.

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