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Tanya Pov

I haven't heard from Michelle, Ace nor Aunt Miriam. I'm gonna call Aunt Miriam first, cause she my new mother for now. She answered on the third ring.

"Hey Auntie."

"Hello, Suga. How ya' been?" she said in a lively voice but sounded fake as fuck.

"I can't complain. What about you?"

"Same here. What happened you never called? I hope it's nothing wrong with you and your boo."

"Nahh, Quin and I are fine, we're just busy that's all."

"You sure there is no problem of any sort?" she asked, which was weird. She never asked question about Q and I.

"I'm sure."

"I'm just making sure, cause sweetie yall deserve each other."

"Aw, thanks Aunt Miriam."

"No problem. Well, I'm gonna call you back later, I'm a bit busy on the stove." she said.

"Okay, love ya' "

"Love you too, honey bun."

I love her. I thought.

I hate her. Miriam thought

I called Michelle.

"Heyy, bestfriend!!" she said.

"Bitch, what's wrong with you?"

"Girl, it's just Ace, that have me on lockdown and shit." she said.

"I haven't seen you in like 3 weeks, where you been?"

"Ace and I are on a break in Bora Bora, bishhh!!"

"Ooo ok bitch, wait hold up break from what; yall in school though."

"I know you gonna say that. Take notes for us."

"You could've called and tell us that."

"I thought you knew because Ace and Quincy always on the phone, like they the ones dating." she said, laughing.

" First of all, that's some gay shit.  Second of all, I never knew."

"Blame Quincy, so how yall been?"

"Smooth sailing. Making money and shit." that slipped.

"Wait, making money?"

"We got job at, we're cashier."

"Yall have a Mercedes and a Porsche, as cashiers." she said in a concerned, monotonous voice.

"Yeah, overtime. Ya' feel me." I said nervous, cause I know Michelle is not the type of person who let stuff go.

"OK OK BITCH, yall snatching all the damn money. Chase the cash, ma nigga."

"Yeah, you know me." I said, wiping my forehead.

"Well, bitch let me enjoy the rest of my vacay."

"A'ight, go ahead but don't forget to call."

"Love you, Tanya!!" she yelled.

"Love you more, Michelle." I said, laughing at how loud she is. I hang up.

I called Ace.

"Wassup, T."

"All good, you could call Quincy but not me. I known you before Quincy."

"Quincy, is my brother mann. It's mandatory for me to call him." he said.

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