More To Come

601 21 2

10 a.m

Tanya Pov

I woke up, we both was still naked, I went straight to the bathroom limping for dear life. I heard Quincy laughing. I mugged him. Last night was unbelievable, I'm not even gonna get into details. I took a shower, got out with a towel on. Quincy went in. A few minutes he got out with a towel around his waist. He came and kissed me. Then I realized something

"Wait wait, hold the fuck up Quincy, what happened to all the rose pedals and candles?" I asked.

"I cleaned up while you were sleeping." he said while kissing my neck.

We got off the bed and went to go get dress. I had on regular blue jeans, Baseball Jersey and Timbs and Quincy had the same thing on.

We went downstairs to his car but there was this silver 2017 Porshe Cayenne blocking him from behind.

"Now how we gon' figure out who's car this is?"

"Why?" He asked

"So we can tell them to move, of course." I said with a little sass.

"Why ask them to move when you can move it?" he said pulling out a key from his back pocket and tossing it to me.

"I'm confused."

"Tanya, can you please excuse me your car is in my way." He said.

I fell to my knees, start crying tears of joy in my hands. Quincy picked me up and hug me tightly.

"Happy Birthday, and told you there was more to come" he said in my ear.

I pushed him off me. " Quincy, what the did I tell you? I told you didn't have to do this!!

He laughed." But you didn't specifically say not to buy you a car." I laughed, then hopped on him.

"I love you Tanya" he said, I slowly pulled back. I was shocked, I look at him straight the eyes and smiled.

"I love you more Quincy" I said, kissing him and him tighter than before.

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