Only You

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Jenna's P.O.V

I was woken up by Tylers singing coming from the kitchen. I always loved hearing his voice; so pure and beautiful. It was Sunday morning and my whole room was covered in sunshine. Did I just say my room? I meant to say our room. Its still so unreal to me that I'm married to the love of my life. My everything. I honestly dont know where I'd be without him.

I look outside the window and see kids riding their bikes and walking with their parents. It was a perfect day and I couldn't wait to spend it with my favorite person. I got up, put on my old black jeans and a blue sweatshirt. It was a chilly morning although it was almost May.

I went to the kitchen to find Ty making breakfast and humming a song he probably just finished writing

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I went to the kitchen to find Ty making breakfast and humming a song he probably just finished writing. I loved his music. The lyrics were always deep and meaningful and the melodies sticked with you. He's in a band called twenty one pilots with his best friend Josh Dun.They're more like brothers if you ask me. They wont tell anyone how they met. Not even me. I guess it doesnt really matter. Today they finish their tour, Emøtional RøadShøw, promoting their latest album Blurryface. It's my favorite album because there's a song on it called Tear In My Heart, dedicated to me. When Tyler first sang it to me I almost cried because I loved it so much and was so happy I was his inspiration.

So, I just stand there for a minute watching him, my husband. Gosh, Im so lucky. Then I hugged him and he smiled right away, wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing me. His touch was something so warm and special and I just felt so safe around him. I liked to call him my "brown -eyed guard dog" because he has the most beautiful brown eyes I've ever seen. He also has dark hair and smells so nice that you just want to hug him forever. But what I loved most about him was his look. It was so pure and I loved getting lost in it.

"Good morning beautiful. Did you sleep well?" Tyler asked me.
"Yes, I was so tired last night I immediately fell asleep. What about you babe?"
"Nah, I didn't sleep that well. I'm kind of nervous about tonights show. I'm afraid I'm gonna mess it up."
I always find his insecurites adorable yet I knew how much he struggled with his demons so I had an idea.
"Aw babe, do you want me to come to the show to keep you company, would that maybe help?"
"Really? You would do that for me?" He got so excited I couldn't help but giggle a little.
"Of course I will silly. I would do anything for you."
"Thank you Jenna. You have no idea how much this means to me. Here, have some breakfast."
Ty was an amazing cook and I always enjoyed his meals. This particular morning he made french toast, pancakes and orange juice. We ate together and then I asked him to go to the store and buy me some more food because I was, oddly, still hungry. It happened a lot these days and I couldn't figure out what was up with me. Lately, I just need more food to keep me going during the day. After Ty got back from the store, I cleaned the kitchen and called my mom because we were in Australia for Tyler and Josh's concert. She said everything was fine at home and told me to say hi to Tyler and Josh. My mom was the person I could always lean on and talk to. I was also very close with Tyler's family and they were all really nice and kind to me.

"Do you wanna take a walk?" Tyler asked me. "I still have some time left before going to soundcheck with Josh, and I thought we could have lunch somewhere."
"That sounds lovely. Let me just grab my jacket and we'll go."
"Ok, Im waiting for you downstairs."

We walked through the city centre, enjoying the sunny day and the fresh air

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We walked through the city centre, enjoying the sunny day and the fresh air. Australia was such a beautiful country, and I absolutely loved Sydney. I'm so grateful getting to experience new cultures travelling around with Tyler and Josh.

 I'm so grateful getting to experience new cultures travelling around with Tyler and Josh

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Suddenly we stopped in front of the Sydney Harbour Bridge.
"Ok Jen, I have a surprise for you which I think you're going to love!"

Hi! My name is Anita. This is my very first fic, I hope you like it. Also, check out stayalive657 new Jyler fic bc she's awsome💓
Anyway, thanks for reading this, I hope you stick around bc I have so many great ideas for this fic. I'll try to update as much as possible.
Stay alive |-/

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