Ordinary World

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Jenna's P.O.V

It was a sunny day so Tyler and I decided to go to a field trip. He didn't want to tell me where we were going but it was OK because I loved surprises and didn't actually care as long as I was with him.
"You got everything?" He asked.
"I'm ready when you are." I responded with a smile.
We took our jackets in case it got chilly during the evening, got in the car and took off. Tyler started driving asking me if he could play some of their new songs.
"It's still unfinished so it kind of sucks but I want to know what you think of it." He said playing the cassete. He always loved asking me for my opinion which I found so adorable.
It was a slower song, his voice was perfectly clear but raspy at the same time. I immedietly fell in love with it.
"This is amazing Tyler. When did you write it?"
"A couple of weeks ago. I don't think it'll make the new album."
"I still hope so." I winked at him.
"Glad you like it though." He smiled.

After about an hour of driving, we stopped for a break and Tyler was hungry so we ended up in some fast food restaurant by the highway.
We ordered fries, two cokes and being the child he is, Tyler had to buy an ice cream. While eating we just looked at each other smiling, his gaze meeting mine and the other way around. Even the smiplest things were magical with him.

"This kinda reminds me of our first date, remember Jen?""How could I ever forget

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"This kinda reminds me of our first date, remember Jen?"
"How could I ever forget. I was so nervous and didn't know what to wear since you didn't tell me where you were taking me." I smiled remembering that day.
"Yes, and then I took you to Taco Bell. How original." He laughed ironically.
"Nonetheless, I loved it."
"You were so beautiful. It was mid-summer, you were wearing a floral dress that matched my shirt perfectly. It was then I knew we were meant to be." He smiled.

"Oh really? I knew I was in love with you the moment I met you

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"Oh really? I knew I was in love with you the moment I met you."
"Just kidding, I also fell in love with you right away. Who could blame me when you're so breathtakingly beautiful." He put his hand on my neck, leaned in and kissed me. His touch was so tenderly wild and I got lost in his embrace once again. Nobody could make me feel the way he did.
"God, I love you so much Tyler." I whispered, pleased to have him so near me.

We contiued driving for what seemed like forever though I didn't care. I was never bored with him.
"This is it Jen. Welcome to paradise." He said getting out of the car.
"Wow...this is so beautiful." I said looking at the most perfect view. You could see the whole Ohio from this hill. There were lots of trees everywhere, eveything was so quiet and peaceful. It was obviously raining since the grass was still wet.
"I absolutely love it here. Thank you for taking me here babe."
"You're welcome Jen. I used to come here with my grandfather when I was a kid. Lots if happy memories are made here." He smiled, nostalgia in his voice.
"Sounds like a great childhood." I said. It was little moments like this, that I loved the most. His hands in mine, nothing else but the two of us enjoying the quietness of this place.
We walked to a tree and carved out our initials on it.
"There." Tyler said pointing at the part of the tree where it said 'J+T forever'."Now we're infinite." He smiled. He went back to the car, took his ukulele and started singing to me.

She asked me, "Son, when I grow old
Will you buy me a house of gold?
And whe your father turns to stone,
Will you take care of me?"

The song was called House of Gold, written for his mom, it was one of my favorites.
"Your mom is one lucky lady to have you as her son." I smiled looking at him.
"I'm luckier because she's the best mom I could ever ask for."

Clouds were gathering and we also heard thunders so we decided to get back to the car.
"Did you have a good time Mrs. Joseph?" Tyler had asked.
"An amazing time, thank you very much Mr. Joseph." I smiled and both of us started laughing as Tyler started the car.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter.
I'll try to update as often as I can.
Stay alive frens,
Love ya💕

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