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Jenna's P.O.V

Lisa's crying woke me up from the nap I was taking that afternoon. Tyler was in the studio with Josh so I was alone with Lisa. I took her out of her crib, fed her and then waited for Maddy, Tyler's sister, to come and babysit Lisa while I go to the store. The door bell rand as I was getting ready.

"Hey! Thanks for coming!" I hugged Maddy.
"No problem, I love spending time with kids." She went in, I offered her some coffee and showed her where all the baby stuff she might need is.
"Here's my phone number in case you need anything."
"Don't worry, we're gonna be just fine." She smiled.
"Alright, one more thing before I go. So you know Tyler's birthday is coming up soon?"
"Yes, what did you have in mind?"
"Well, I thought about inviting the whole family and most of our friends to all come and celebrate with him. I was just wondering, since you're his sister, would he like that? Or should I start planning something else?"
"He was usually the quiet kid, never had many friends but he's changed a lot over the years. Especially since he's met you. So, I think he'd love that."
"Good. I'll talk to you later, bye!" I said kissing Lisa and heading outside.

I walked to the store, since Tyler had the car at moment. I didn't mind walking and even enjoyed having a little time to myself. Our entire lives have been all about Lisa these past few months and as much as I loved that, it was good to have some time off for a while.

When I got to the store I checked my list and started buying what I needed. There were lots of people so everything seemed to take a lot longer than usual. I got a message from Tyler saying he's going to be home in an hour and asking me to buy him some stuff. After I finished at the grocery store I headed back home. It had started to rain a little bit as I got closer to our house and the wind was getting stronger. Thunderstorms weren't that unusual in Ohio.

"Hi, I'm home!"
"We're in here." I heard Maddy say from the living room. Lisa was sleeping so I figured everything went well. "She didn't give you any trouble, I hope."
"No, not at all. She was great."
"Glad to hear that."

We talked for a bit more before Tyler got home. He said hi and then went to take a shower. I saw he was tired and it honestly didn't surprise me because they've been in the studio for the last 5 hours. I asked him If he wanted to eat something but he refused saying he just wants to go to bed even if it 's only 9.30pm. I had some dinner, put Lisa to bed, cleaned the kitchen and then went to sleep. When I went into our bedroom I saw Tyler tossing and turning, and wondered if i should wake him up but at the end decided not to.I was also getting tired and the last thing I thought is how I only hoped his nightmares weren't back.

Tyler's P.O.V

They were back. The demons that didn't let me sleep and made my life unbearable were back. My so called Blurryface was back and stronger than ever. I thought I washed him away forever. I didn't understand why though. I thought I was done with that period of my life, I was happy now. I guess I was wrong.

Maybe this had something to do with what happened at the studio today. I just sat there unable to write a single word, not a single melody coming to my head. Josh tried to help but he couldn't. My insecurities didn't let my mind rest and so they kept floating through it. Maybe I just need a longer break but this never happened before. I was always able to put my feeling on a paper and write a song about it.

I looked at the clock beside my bed. It read 2.35. I got up, went to the kitchen to drink some water hoping that would calm me down. Then I went outside. It was such a cold night but I didn't mind. I took a deep breath but my heart was still beating insanely fast. The last time this happened was before our album release and I was so anxious to share that piece of myself with the world. But, Jenna was there to make sure my thoughts didn't get the better of me. She was always there for me.

"Tyler?" I heard a voice behind me. "What are you doing outside? It's freezing."
"I-I had to get out. I can't sleep. Sorry If I woke you up."
"It's ok. Come on, what's the matter?"
"I've been thinking too much that's all. Let's go back to sleep, in the morning I'll be better."
"You know you can tell me anything, right?"
"I know, let's just go back to bed."

We walked to our bedroom, my demons slowly dying down. Before I fell asleep I whispered "Thank you Jenna. Thank you for always being there for me."

She didn't say anything, I just felt a kiss on my neck and she pulled me into a hug and said "Anytime babe, you know I'd do anything for you."

I smiled to myself, knowing I had people in my life who truly cared about me. Thinking about that made Blurry disappear and I soon fell asleep.

Really hope you like this frens :)
Stay alive💓

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