Begin Again

215 11 16

Tyler's P.O.V

It's been a month since our family has moved in the house, all of us loving it so far. It was a summer day, mid September sunshine being pleasantly warm and we were outside, in our new garden, surrounded by flowers.
Lisa was growing up fast, her birthday coming up soon.

The nights were kind of chilly though, so we had to wear sweaters and bring blankets on our porch. We would usually talk until it was late, Lisa usually falling asleep in Jenna's arms. Josh and I were slowly finishing the new record, and life was good.

The biggest news was that Josh and Kate were engaged and were planning  a big wedding

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The biggest news was that Josh and Kate were engaged and were planning  a big wedding. Jenna was helping Kate pick out a wedding dress, both of them acting like little girls playing play pretend and trying out different dresses.

One night, I couldn't sleep so I went outside to clear my mind and breathe some fresh night air. Suddenly, I felt Jenna behind me, kissing me and asking why did I get up.
"Couldn't sleep, that's all. I'm fine, don't worry." I smiled and looked her worried face.

"If you say so." She smiled and sat next to me, intertwining our hands like we used to do. "You know Ty, all this wedding stuff makes me feel happy and nostalgic at the same time. Remember our wedding day? When you saw me wearing my dress for the first time and said I looked like a real life princess? Or when you wouldn't let go of me on the altar and kept on kissing me?"

"How could I ever forget that? You looked so beutiful I couldn't take my eyes off of you. Remember our trip to Australia and when we found out you were pregnant shortly after that and then went on that beach? And when we went on a field trip where we carved out our initials on a tree and when I sang to you?"

"That was such a fun day. And exploring Paris for the second time was also magical." Jenna added.
"My favorite memory will always be the day Lisa was born even though of how it all went, it was still the happiest day of my life." I smiled thinking about how excited and nervous I was when I first saw Lisa.

"We made some great memories together. And I couldn't be happier right now, right here with you. I love you so much Tyler." She cupped my cheek with one hand and rested the other one on my shoulder.

"I love you too. You will always be the one who makes me feel the most happy and alive, that's never going to change. And I need you like a heart needs a beat but it's nothing new." I leaned in and kissed her.

The next morning we had breakfast, and headed to buy Lisa some new clothes. After that, we went to have lunch with Jenna's family. Josh called us saying they got a date for their wedding, and that it's in two months.

It started raining during the evening, Jenna, Lisa and me all curled up in the blankets on our bed, watching TV, cuddling and enjoying each others presence. These were the moments I enjoyed the most; when you realize it's the little things like these that make life so much more beautiful.
"I love summer storms. They make me feel so happy and relaxed." Jenna said.
"Me too, even though I was scared when I was little. It's funny how we grow out of our fears and evolve."
"You're such a philosopher. I love that about you." She giggled and continued watching the TV.
"What can I say, that's the man you married." I smiled.

That night I got a text from Josh saying how happy and excited he is about finally marrying Kate and how he can't imagine his life without her. And I remember that feeling all too well. It's like being flown into another universe where everything is better, brighter and more beautiful. I still feel that when I'm with Jenna. And I never want to lose that. Eventually Josh asked if I wanted to be his best man and I, of course, said yes since Jenna is already one of Kate's bridesmades.

"Hey babe, guess who's Josh's best man." I proudly exclaimed as I was about to go out and take a walk.
"I bet it's Jordan." She started teasing me, knowing how good of a friend Josh and I are.
"C'mon you know it's me." I grabbed her waist and started kissing her neck.
"Yeah I know it's you but that doesn't stop me from teasing you." She smiled and carried on with what she was doing.

2 months later

The wedding day finally came, Jenna and I both calming Josh down.
"Thank you so much for being by my side guys. I don't know what I'd do without your support." He smiled, checking to see if everyone arrived.
The priest told us he's ready so we left Josh and went to take our seats. There were so many people both friends and family, and the room was filled with joy and happiness for the new couple.

Before you knew it, Kate was walking down the isle in a stunning white wedding dress. Josh was so happy he almost started crying and I was there, by his side, like always.

After the ceremony was done, we all went to lunch.
"I'm so happy for you." Jenna said when we finished eating the wedding cake. "I hope everything goes well."
"I'm sure it will. It's when I met Josh I knew I found my soulmate. And it's the best feeling ever." Kate hugged Josh.

They were having their first dance, Jenna and me watching them.
She took my hand and said she wanted to dance. We went on the floor and started swaying to the sound of the song that was playing. I put my forehead on her hers, holding her tight and enjoying her embrace.
And I wished that moment lasted forever.

"Aren't they the cutest?" Jenna asked looking at me. God, she was so beautiful. Even now, after all these years of dating and spending time around her, I feel like I'm never going to get used to how amazing and beautiful she is. I want to spend my entire life making her happy, taking care of her and our daughter. Her laugh, her perfectly blue eyes and her touch will always be the things that make me feel like my life is a dream. When you meet a person that makes you feel all those things, nothing else matters and you feel like you're the happiest person alive.

"Yes, but we're a little cuter though." I winked at her and she smiled, putting her arms around me and kissing me. I smiled and was so grateful for my younger self who didn't give up during hard times, because If I had, then none of this would ever happen and I wouldn't have the amazing life I have now. And once again, the words I say to my fans, are proven to be true. So stay alive everybody, because it is worth it. I promise.

                          THE END

Thats it guys, can't believe I actually finished this fic ;) I hope you liked it, thank you for your feedback and support.
Love you and stay alive💕
Until next time,

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