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Jenna's P.O.V

It was March making our anniversary only a few days away. We decided to celebrate it by going to Paris for a weekend while Josh takes care of Lisa. I felt bad leaving her but it was only for two days so it wasn't too bad. Tyler was very excited about the trip, already talking about all the pictures he's gonna take with the new camera he had bought and how much fun we were going to have.

Josh was at our place, I was showing him where all the stuff he needs for Lisa is and I also gave him Tatum's number in case he needs anything.

"She likes to have breakfast at around 8am, then you have to play with her for a while before you take her outside, if the weather is nice, of course. If it's cold, you have these two jackets.." I was showing him around Lisa's wardrobe in her room..."The mail we expect will come on Saturday and my mom is probably gonna want to see Lisa so here's their address in case she doesn't have time to come here. Also, she can't have anything to eat after 9 in the evening or she won't fall asleep."

"Jenna, relax, everything's gonna be fine. I have Tatum and my sisters so we'll manage. And this little cutie pie is such a good girl so you really don't need to worry about it." Josh gave me a reassuring smile, calming me down.
"Alright, sorry. It's the first time I left her alone for more then a couple of hours." I picked up Lisa from her crib and held her in my arms.

"Hello, what's up?" Tyler entered the house and took off his jacket. "Hey small one, did you miss your dad? Or is uncle Josh that much better than me?" He winked at Josh, gave me a kiss and went to play with Lisa. He was finishing up their new record so he was spending a lot of time in the studio for the past couple of days. "What are we having for dinner Jenna? I'm actually starving." He asked from the room.
"Spaghetti and salad, hope that's fine with you. I was busy paying the bills and showing Josh around so I didn't have time to make anything special."

"That's fine, I'll come help you set the table."
"It's ok, I can do that." Josh said.
"No need to do that, come on you're our guest after all." Tyler answered starting to set the table.

We all had dinner together, Josh talking about a girl he recently met, Tyler teasing him and me laughing whenever they say something funny. Josh insisted to help us clean up so we talked some more. By the time he left it was already 11 pm so Tyler and I went to bed.

"Can you believe we've been married for almost 2 years? I feel like I've known you my entire life." He whispered, his fingers tangled in my hair.
"I know! I feel the same way. I think what we have is really special and it's gonna last for a long time."
"Yeah, I have a feeling we'll be annoying each other until we're white haired and don't know what day is it." He smiled thinking about it.

The next morning went by quickly, being the day of our trip, so we were packing stuff, making phone calls and checking our hotel reservation. Before you knew it, it was time for us to be at the airport. Josh came at around 6 pm to make Lisa some dinner.

"Have fun you two, and don't worry about us." Josh hugged Tyler and me.
"Ok, we'll try." I hugged Josh and Lisa, who was oblivious of the fact that her mom and dad are leaving for a trip. "Be a good girl." I gave her a kiss on the cheek.
"Love you princess." Tyler smiled at Lisa.
"Alright, don't get all emotional, you're gonna be back before you know it." Josh said, his yellow fluffy hair falling in his brown eyes. We said our goodbyes, the taxi cab already waiting in front of our house. Tyler and I sat in the backseat, looking out of the window and intertwining our hands.

"I'm so happy we're doing this." Tyler looked up at me.
"Me too, thanks for making it all happen. I've been so caught up in everything lately, I haven't had the time to relax at all. I'm still kind of worried about Josh being all alone with Lisa. Do you think he'll manage?"
"Of course he will, and I heard he's getting pretty serious with that girl so she might come over and help him. You know how women like it when men are good with kids." He winked.
"That's great, I'm happy for them."

"We're almost there." The taxi driver said stopping at the traffic lights.
When we arrived, we started going through the security at the airport, making our way to the terminal for our flight. Tyler bought us some snacks, which we ate while we waited. We didn't have many bags with us since we were staying for only two days.

"Flight 3305 from Ohio to France. Please board the plane." The speakers announced.
"Guess this is us." I said, taking Tyler's hand and going into the plane. After they checked our bags and tickets, we found our seats. Tyler insisted he sit next to the window, leaving me by the corridor isle. It was night so we didn't have much to see, Tyler putting his headphones on and me reading a book I brought. It was quite a long flight so after some time, we both fell asleep.

"Jen, we're here. Can you believe this? Come on, wake up." Tyler said and the first thing I saw when I opened my eyes was Paris covered in early morning sunshine. It looked so beautiful and peaceful. We got off the plane, making our way towards the doors. We took a cab to the hotel, checked in, had a shower and went to eat something. Although it was still early in the morning, lots of bakery shops were already open so we decided to have breakfast there.

"Don't you just love Paris?" I asked Tyler.
"Yes, it's perfect."
We walked some more, visited a huge park, explored some old neighborhoods, went to a museum and had lunch by the river Sene.

"What do you want to do next?" I said while paying for our lunch. "We still have a lot of time before we have to get back to the hotel for dinner."
"Let's go to our special place." He smiled.
"Really? You're willing to wait in that long line just to see it all again?"
"Of course, after all it's where I proposed you." He smiled remembering that day.

So, we went to wait in line for Eiffel Tower. I took some pictures with Tyler's camera while waiting because I got bored. "Should we call Josh?"
"No, come on, I'm sure they're doing just fine."
"If you say so."

Finally, it was time to get on the elevator that led to the top of the tower.
"Remember how nervous I was back then?"
"Yes." I giggled "I actually do and I found it so damn adorable." I kissed him.

"I would do it all again, you know. When we met, the dating, proposal, our wedding, Lisa's birth... I'm so in love with you Jenna. You're always gonna be the tear in my heart."
"I know and I love you too. More than words could say." I kissed him and felt butterflies in my stomach. It was like the last time we were here, only even better. We walked around, looked at Paris from above and admired it.

It slowly got darker so we made our way back to the hotel, where we had dinner and then fell asleep, still tired from the trip and the entire day of exploring the city.

Hope you enjoy this chapter.
Anyway, there's probably gonna be 2 more chapter until I finish this story.
Love you all and thanks for 900+ reads!!!
Stay alive 🌸

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