We're Going Home

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Tyler's P.O.V

I didn't want to worry Jenna but that night I had one of the worst panic attacks in my life. I went outside to get some fresh air and not to wake her up. My demons were free and they wouldn't stop. Usually, writing helped but that night was different. I didn't know how to stop them. I wanted to get rid of that side of my brain so bad but at the same time I wondered what would happen If I didn't have that dark side. Maybe, I would't feel the need to create music, maybe I wouldn't even start a band and meet Josh and all of our amazing fans. Still, I couldn't help but feel desperate for those voices to shut up and leave me alone.

"Let's go Ty, we'll be late." Jenna called from accross the room. "A cab will be here in 5 minutes and we still have to pick up Josh along the way."
"Ok, I'm coming." I replied. I took my backpack and headed to the front door. It was nice staying here but I loved that we were going back home to Ohio. Even with all the fuss and excitement about the trip, I still felt worried about Jenna. Maybe it was nothing and I made a big deal out of it. But I didn't want anything bad to happen to her. She was my everything.

The taxi cab arrived and after about 10 minutes of driving we stopped to pick up Josh from his hotel. Our music equipment was already on the plane so we didn't have a lot stuff to take with us.
"Looking forward to going back home?" Josh asked looking at Jenna and me.
"I guess..." Jenna mumbled. "Tyler actually inssisted we go earlier because he thinks I'm sick or something." She said souding a bit irritated.
"Don't be mad Jenna, I just want you to be ok."
"I am ok Tyler, but If i makes you feel better I'm going to see the doctor as soon as we land."
She was obviously mad at me for making her leave Australia earlier. I took her hand and kissed her on the cheek. She smiled and then hugged me. "Sorry I snapped at you, I didn't mean to." She said.
"It's ok babe."

We boarded the plane, I took out my headphones and got ready for the flight. I didn't particulary enjoy planes but it was almost an every day thing to me considering my job. I looked over my shoulder and saw that Jenna's already asleep. She looked like an angel. I soon fell asleep too.

The evening sun woke us up and the captain said we're near Ohio. I still felt sleepy.
"We're almost home Ty." Jenna whispered as she kissed my neck.
"I know." I smiled. "I didn't tell my parents we were coming earlier so I think it's gonna be a great surprise."
The plane landed and we took our bags. I felt a bit bad leaving Zack and Tatum behind, but since they got to Australia 3 days ago I thought they would like to stay a bit more. They agreed but said they'll be home in a week or so.

I looked ouside the window and saw it was raining. Nothing new. The weather in Ohio was constantly changing. Josh's friend waited outside with his car. We all got in and started driving home. Jenna and I sat in the back while Josh was in the front.
"I hope you're no loger mad at me." I said to Jenna.
"I could never be mad at you." She replied and held my hand tight. "I'm kinda scared to be honest. I don't know what's going on with me." I saw she was about to cry, her voice fragile and I immedietly hugged her.
"Don't worry Jen, I'm sure it's nothing."
I hated seeing her scared or sad. She rested her head on my shoulder and I ran my hands through her perfectly blonde hair. We arrived at our house in about an hour, unpacked, took a shower and decided to go to my parents house the next morning since we were still exhausted from the trip.
"Goodnight Ty, I love you."
"I love you too babe. Sleep well."

Hope you enjoy this chaper. Next one will be a bit longer.
Stay alive |-/

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