Friends and Family

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Tyler's P.O.V

The drive to Zack and Tatum was quite pleasant since Lisa didn't cry at all like she usually does. Jenna seemed to look forward to seeing them again, talking to Tatum and stuff. What I didn't tell her is that we were throwing a surprise party for her and Lisa, to celebrate the fact that they're both ok and also catch up with some of our friends.

I started smiling when I thought about how happy Jenna's gonna be when she sees everyone.

"What are you smiling about?" She asked.
"Nothing." I shrugged. "Just glad we're going to see Zack and Tatum."
"You're not telling me something."

Damn it, she knew me so well. I guess I just had to fake it as best as I could. I turned the volume up and continued driving as If I didn't hear what she was saying.

"What's this song? I like it." She looked at me.
"It's a new one. Unfinished and unnamed so far." I laughed.
"I hope you'll keep it. It's really good."

After about 10 minutes we arrived. Jenna took Lisa out of her baby seat and we rang the door bell. Tatum opened the door.

"Hey!! Welcome to your party!" She said excited to finally meet Lisa. "Oh my gosh she is so adorable. She looks like her dad." She smiled and hugged us. "Say hi to Jenna, Tyler and Lisa everybody!"

"Wow what's all this?" Jenna asked surprised looking at a whole bunch of people.
"Well, we wanted to make something special for you and I got this idea, told Tyler and thought it would be cool. Hope you like it."
"Are you kidding me? I love it. Thank you so much." She hugged Tatum and went to say hello to the others including our families.

I greeted everyone then took Lisa outside for a while since I figured she's tired of everybody wanting to hold her and play with her.

"You just wanna chill with your dad, right princess?" I said holding her. It was almost sunset, making the sky all shades of purple and pink. It reminded me of the day I proposed to Jenna in Paris. We went up to the Eiffel tour and that's when I popped the question. I don't think I was ever that nervous but it was definitely worth it.

"Hey bro what's up?" Josh came up to me.
"Hey, when did you come?"
"Not long ago. I had to get some stuff done so I'm kind of late."
"You're here now so that's all that matters." I smiled and then we did our 'not so secret anymore' handshake since all of our fans knew it.

"Come on guys it's time for dinner." Tatum called us from the house. We went inside, had dinner, talking and laughing with everyone and I saw Jenna was happy to finally be at home.

Later that night, after most of our friends had left and we stayed to help clean everything up, Lisa started crying and she got really anxious so we left a bit earlier than planned.

"See you soon, bye Lisa." Zack said and both him and Tatum waved at us. As soon as I started the car Lisa fell asleep.

"I guess being this adorable tires you out." I smiled.
"Yeah, I guess so. Don't forget we have that doctors appointment tomorrow. You'll go with us?" Jenna asked.
"Of course, no problem."

The doctors told us about the usual check ups Lisa had to got to, just to make sure everything is fine since she was born earlier.

"I had so much fun tonight, thanks." Jenna said.
"It was our pleasure, you're welcome babe."

Soon enough, we got home, put Lisa to bed and went on our porch to have some fresh air before sleep. The sky was clear and you could see lots of stars. I felt peaceful and calm.

"Jenna, come here you have to see this, it's such a beautiful night." I called.
"Wow, it hasn't been this pretty for a while."
"That's why it's so special." I wrapped my hand around her waist, pulling her closer to me. It was really cold outside but I felt her warmth on me.
"I love you so much." I whispered.
"Love you too." She responded.
"Is that a shooting star?"
"I think so. Hurry up, make a wish!" So we both closed our eyes, letting our minds get lost in the darkness of the night.

I yawned and felt my eyelids got heavy so I went to bed. Jenna joined me after she checked to see if Lisa was asleep. We cuddled for a bit before both of us drifted off to sleep.

The next morning after we ate breakfast we headed to the hospital for Lisa's check up. I was still kind of anxious but learned how to keep it together.

In the waiting room there were a lot of other kids with their parents, some of them crying, some more calm. Lisa was still sleeping in Jenna's arms when the doctor called her name. We then went in, they took Lisa's blood out. We talked to the doctor while waiting for the results of the blood tests to come.

"Everything looks fine, she's also getting bigger which is also good. I think we're done here but If you need anything you can always contact us." The doctor said, we thanked him and went outside.

It was the middle of November making today one of the coldest days this year so far. We quickly got in the car and turned the heat on. I got a text message from Josh saying he's free today and asking me if i wanted to go to the studio with him to work on some new music. I said yes after asking Jenna if it's ok with her. She was supposed to spend the day with her parents so she didn't mind.

"Will you be back in time for dinner?" She asked as we were driving to our house.
"Yes, I'm sure we'll be finished by then." I said, dropped off Jenna and Lisa at our home and continued my drive to the studio where I was going to meet with Josh.

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 500+ READS! I never expected for this story to have so many but I'm happy you like it :)
Stay alive frens,
Love you💙

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